Chapter 3 Harper

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A/N sorry for any mistakes I tend to upload when I've finished before I've proof read what I've written.


Who am I? My name is Harper, I'm 21 years old, I'm half fairy and half giant, though I inherited most of the fairy genes and my father's power of disaster I did get the giant power of heavy metal from my mother, My parents are the Third fairy king Harlequin also known as the grizzly sin of Sloth King and the giant queen or the serpent sin of envy Diane, I'm the third prince of both the giant and fairy clans.

"Harper, Come on Brother Uncle Ban made breakfast" Rehan said, "I'm sleeping Rehan go away" I mumbled, "Fine you leave me no choice" he said pulling my blanket off of me and grabbed the corner of Claymore and pulled me down the stairs "Come on sleepy head eat your breakfast we have a long day ahead of us" the Captain said as Rehan pulled me to the table that she and the others were sitting at, I sat up on Claymore and yawned as I grabbed a hand full of grapes. After breakfast, the captain, Crea, Morgan and Rehan all changed into their armor, Emma, Brooks and I didn't bother since we're only going to the library anyway, "So what are we looking for?" I asked as the three of us plus Merlin, Gowther and Dad split off from everyone else "Anything to do with mummies or ancient codes would help" "Hey Merlin" we stopped walking as Elizabeth and my Aunt Elaine walked over "Can we help?" Elaine asked "Of course the more the merrier right"       

"The most effective way of searching is if the both of you gather books while I read them" Brooks said as we walked through the doors to the castles library slightly ahead of our parents "But this place is huge, we mightn't even find anything that will help" I said as I floated after him, "There isn't any harm in trying Harper," Emma said, I stuck my tongue out at her and floated up to the top shelves to look for books. 

After I don't know how long and about twenty shelves I had two books one on sand creatures and the other on ancient codes when I heard my dad yell "There isn't even anything here!" from where he was on the second floor, "Maybe you should try looking somewhere different?" I heard Merlin say as I floated down to Brooks and Emma and put the two books down on the table, "I'm looking in the same places as you!" Dad said, "Man Uncle King doesn't sound happy". I jumped at and I may or may not have screamed, "Captain" I said turning to look at her, she had her hands behind her head and look completely amused "Don't sneak up on people" I said "Jeez sorry Harper" she said "Yeah I don't hear any sincerity in that" I said "Yeah, there wasn't any" she said sitting down in a chair "Captain what happened to your cheek?" Emma asked "hmm, what do you mean" she asked "Your left cheek it's bleeding" I said, "Is it?" she asked lifting her fingers to her cheek "huh, I was wondering why Papa sent me here" she said before looking at Brooks, "One of the prisoners put Rehan into a sleep," she said, Brooks stood "I will go have a look and will attempt to wake him up or nullify the effects" Brooks said before he walked out "Have you found anything yet?" she asked, Emma shook her head "It took us nearly three hours to find five books Captain we were just starting to look through them" Emma said "Oh, sorry I didn't mean to send the reader out" She said "Its fine, I don't mind reading Brooks just does it faster" Emma said "Well I'll leave you to it" she said as she stood and started to walk toward the stairs to the top floor "Hey captain, how did you cut your cheek" I asked floating after her, "I don't know, something sharp, I didn't  feel it so I'm not sure" she said "Though I did get thrown into a tree so there is that" "Wait, how did you get thrown into a tree?" "Oh, the three men who attempted to kidnap us and the man that pretended to be the mayor of hull escaped earlier, Papa, Crea, Uncle Ban and I chased them but we lost them the minute we got into the woods" she said "Hey Mama, can you heal my cheek I'm bleeding" "How did you manage that?" Elizabeth asked as The captain walked over to her "I dunno," she shrugged, "Zephyr" "What I seriously don't knew I did fly into a  load of trees when I was following or trying to anyway the guys that got out, we should move the interrogations room out of the dungeons or at least not have the entrance so close to the castle doors" She said with a huff, "Are the interrogations going well?" Dad asked, "No one is saying anything and now four of 'em have gotten out and we don't even know who they are" she said annoyed, "Captain?" I asked sensing five sources of magic on the outskirts of the capital "Yeah, I sense it too, Emma, has Brooks come back" Captain asked as she jumped over the railing to the floor below us "I'm fine Zephyr just a pain in the head" I heard Rehan say as I floated over to them "Would it have killed you to use the stairs" I asked her as Rehan batted her hands away from him, "Yes, Brooks stay here as for the five of us let's go inspect those magic forces" Captain said, Emma snapped her fingers and the two of us were in our armor and Crea and Rehan's sacred treasures appeared also before she snapped her fingers again teleporting us to the source of the magic, I turned Claymore into it's spear form and sat on the end of it as I floated in the air beside my brother, in front of us were five women? on the left there was a girl with brown hair and had glasses over he amber eyes a sythe on her back, next to her a girl with purple hair and an eye patch over her left eye a crossbow held in her hand, the next one had brown hair and grey eyes a whip rolled up on her belt, next to her was a who seemed to be the shortest, her blond hair in buns she had purple eyes and a long sword on her back, and the last girl had blue hair in braids and red eyes, "These are who the boss were on about?" Eye patch asked, "It doesn't matter Nyneve, we just need to get the others" the girl in the middle who was clearly the leader said as she grabbed the end of her whip "Total control" she yelled and sent the end of her whip towards the captain who rolled her eyes and hit the whip with her sword "I'll take this one, Harper take Eye patch, Crea shorty, Rehan take red eyes and Em, take glasses" Captain said as the leader girl looked at her in frustration "How dare you knock my whip away, I just want to take over your body", I floated above my weapon as eye patch loaded her crossbow "Lets see you dodge this Brat" "Bulls eye, and multiply" she shot the arrow at the captain which then multiplied "Claymore form five increase" I said and sent the now miniature daggers at the arrows as the others started their fights, Eye patch growled at me as Claymore came back to me, she sent more arrows at me and one swoop of  my arm sent Claymore after her, "no, no I will not be beat by a child" she said as she met each of my blows with her crossbow, "De, This isn't looking good!" Crossbow yelled as Glasses got thrown into her, "Yeah I can see that fall back the boys can just deal with this themselves" The leader said and in a blink of an eye they were all gone. "Great what do we do now?" Crea asked, "We go home eat sleep and go at the three guys in the morning," Zephyr said, "Maybe we should check on Brooks" I said "Nah," Captain said, "I doubt that we'll find anything in the library anyway, with the amount of time it took us to find what we did, we're better off checking other places" Emma said, "Tomorrow" Captain said as we made our way to the boar hat.                                      

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