epilogue // all still

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"I've no more interest in spilling blood for you, dad." Katarina said when one of his men strode forward at the sight of Ransom's gun in her hands. The handle was dark with blood that felt cold on her fingertips and glistened beneath the lanterns and the yellow moon. Gabriel closed his eyes for a moment and signalled for the guard to back off.

It had been a day since Ransom was resuscitated but the deck had not been cleaned. Presumably by Gabriel's orders, everything had been left as it was. The food had been cleared away, of course, but the plates remained, empty and hollow.

"Ransom wants me to cut a deal with you. He's smart enough to think of the future. And he's terrified of going back to jail. If it were just up to me, I would call the police on the lot of us if it would mean putting you behind bars but I can't do that to him. So congratulations on getting to him first because you won. I'm ready to negotiate."

Katarina heard the hiss of Gabriel's breath as he inhaled through grit teeth and chuckled up at the stars.

"What do you have to negotiate with, Katarina? There is plenty that I would do to be on good terms with you again, yes, but I know that even if you could, you would not allow yourself to love me again and I have no desire for delusion. Even if I bought your silence and set you free, there is a chance the pair of you will be captured, especially with Ransom as he is, and traced back to me."

"So what, we stay here forever?" Katarina asked, her laugh growing quiet when he stayed silent.

"You can't be serious. You can't keep us here!"

"I don't plan to hold you anywhere against your will, Katarina. If you still want to leave by the end of this, I'll drop you off at the nearest shore but there is a nationwide manhunt underway. I doubt you'll make it far. What I am offering you if you choose to stay is a job, as my partner. Richard left a position open and you've more than proven you're capable."

Katarina thought of the fire and felt her stomach drop. She masked it with a shake of her head.

"I'd rather try my luck with the police."

"And Ransom? Will he be so willing?"

Katarina did not respond because she already knew the answer.

"Because I think he sees this as what it is, Katarina. An opportunity...for the both of you."

"You've already spoken to him." She replied, her tone flat.

"And I said yes." Ransom said. He hobbled out from behind Gabriel, a lump beneath his sweater where the bandages wrapped around him. She wanted to snap at him, to yell or cuss him out but the look in his eyes matched hers. They were both tired. Tired of running and tired of fighting.

"It's only temporary," Gabriel continued, "After the police operation has quietened down in the states you can decide whether you want to stay or not but until then the three of us will be partners. I think you will enjoy it, Katarina, it's in your blood and these operations, they are less violent and more tactical than you might think. Have a good night, Kat. Ransom."

Ransom acknowledged him with a nod. Already obedient, she couldn't help but think. He moved towards her, his footsteps painfully slow. His arms however were quick to loop around her waist when he was close.

"I need you to forgive me," He whispered in her ear when Gabriel was gone.

She pulled back to look at him, reading the fear in his eyes with regret in her own.

"I understand. You don't want to run any longer."

"Do you?" He asked, "Can you?"

Katarina shook her head and pressed her lips to his.

"No, Ransom. I want to stand still for a moment and be with you."

"Besides, when has a hookup between two hot fugitives ever gone wrong."

"I think the word he used was partnership." Katarina replied and no sooner was the sentence out of her mouth than his lips were on hers again.


End scene. Sexy. Bittersweet. Ever so slightly cringe inducing. That's a wrap, folks. Thank you all so much for joining me on this 2am caffeine induced prison run of a fanfic :) I genuinely hope you enjoyed it and are excited for my future projects! I hear there is a Kylo Ren, General Hux, O/C fic in the works...Possibly because I couldn't choose between the emo and the ginger, as usual.

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