nine // leech

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The Drysdale home was a place of sleek, sharp lines and broad, glistening windows. In contrast to the Thrombey mansion she had seen splashed around newspapers and the local news network, it boasted proud, modern architecture which captured Katarina's full attention as she stood unsteadily in the dewy grass. The drive had taken a number of hours and she could feel a dull ache in the back of her cramped legs but Ransom seemed undisturbed. Without so much as a glance at the domed cameras dotting the front of the building, he stifled a yawn as they stole up the pebbled driveway. Though she really wanted to ask him why they were going to the woman he claimed to hate for help, she stayed silent. The animosity was likely mutual but she could only hope they weren't walking into a trap for the sake of a shower and warm clothes.

Ransom beckoned Katarina forward as he hovered a finger over the sensor-activated doorbell to his right. Honestly, he thought the detail was a little redundant but Katarina appeared to enjoy it as they waited.

The sound of two bolts sliding free followed by a faint whirr echoed through the slide door before it gently slid open and a tall silhouette appeared in the warm light. Katarina watched the woman apprehensively, feeling her mouth twist into a grimace as she caught herself taking a short step back. Conversely, Ransom circumvented his mother with an easy smile and strolled into the building, trekking mud up the burgundy carpeted staircase. She watched him from the doorway, quickly realising the lavish garden outside didn't hold a candle to the grand hall in Linda Drysdale's shadow. Katarina had been well-off all her life but this place made her family home pale in comparison.

"I suppose you better come in then." The woman finally said, looking displeased as she scanned Katarina from her tousled hair to the dirt on her pants.

"Mrs Drysdale," She replied in thanks, trying her best to smile as she stepped through the archway and slid the door shut behind her.

"It's Thrombey, now." Linda replied, turning on her heel before Katarina could think of something to say. She followed her up the left of two staircases and onto a raised platform that branched off into several hallways. Linda pointed toward the one furthest to the left. Somewhere in the distance, Katarina could hear the sound of running water.

"You'll find a guest bedroom down that hallway, use the shower. There are some clothes in the wardrobe when you're done, though I'm not certain they'll fit. If you need me, I'll be in my study."

"You're surprisingly calm about letting a convicted murderer and...whatever they're calling me into your house, Ms Thrombey. Just like that." Katarina said, unable to help herself as Linda motioned to leave.

"That convicted murderer is my son," The woman replied but glanced at a room on the other end of the hallway, where Katarina imagined Ransom was, before continuing, "You aren't here against your will are you? Katarina?"

Katarina glanced down at her feet, "I don't think so. I'm...It's complicated. What have the police been saying?"

"Not a lot. It's the news networks that have been speculating."

"Seems about right," Katarina said and excused herself.

Steam clouded the glass walls of the shower as Katarina turned the gushing water off and wrapped herself in a clean towel she found on the otherwise empty rack behind the door. Perhaps she had spent too much time in there but she didn't regret any of it as she took in the scent of Lavender in the air. Letting her wet hair curl around her shoulders, she pushed the door open and stepped out of the en suite bathroom. Looking past the pile of dirty clothes on the bedroom floor, Katarina hoped to find something in the walk-in wardrobe but was surprised to find a pink cardboard bag on the bed beside a pile of clean clothes.

Glancing at the closed bedroom door, Katarina rolled her eyes when she realised the bag was from Victoria Secret and someone had taken the time to draw an obnoxious winking face on the side. Though she wanted to shove the 'gift' back in Ransom's face, her curiosity got the better of her and she combed through the mass of lace and silk inside until she found something she was comfortable with. Sorting through the less disconcerting pile of clothes beside the bag, she pulled on a pair of black jeans and a black sleeveless shirt with some sort of choker detail before forcing her feet into a pair of slightly too small Adidas sneakers. She shoved her old outfit into the cardbord bag and pushed it beneath the bed, intending to take care of it later.

As for now, she hurried down the staircase and followed the faint sound of whispering voices to a dining room down the main hall. She didn't hear much but the words, 'He's gone' and Linda's earlier correction made it obvious what the pair were talking about. Katarina faintly remembered seeing Linda's divorce in the newspapers a while back and was about to leave them about their business when the sound of her next words prompted her blood to chill.

"And Lago's girl, seriously? As if her father wasn't enough." Linda hissed and Katarina stiffened. She pressed her back to the wall, listening intently to the sound of Ransom's laugh.

"You're bringing up Lago again? I was in control, I knew what I was doing."

"That's what he wanted you to believe, Hugh. It's what she wants you to believe right now. Look at you, you can't even choose a hostage right...making the same damn mistakes."

"She doesn't know a thing about him, Linda. He made sure she didn't. She's only involved because she wants to know who killed the bastard."

"Oh please, of all the people who could have been your hostage, you really believe it just happened to be her, his little girl? Maybe she's here to tie up his loose ends."

"She's innocent!"

"No, if she were innocent, Ransom, she would be terrified beyond her wits or dead by now."

Katarina jumped at the sound of a bang, running into the room to see Ransom reclined over three dining chairs with a knife lodged into the table beside him. From the expression on his face it was clear he was the one who put it there.

"I'm the one you should be afraid of, Linda, I'm guilty, I'm the killer! Stop deluding yourself."

Linda scoffed, raising a glass of wine in Katarina's direction.

"I'll leave you to it." She said, setting the glass down and striding out of the room. A second later, they heard the front door slide open and the click of a lighter. Katarina turned her gaze to Ransom, absorbing everything she heard before spinning on her heel and making for the exit.

Sighing deeply, Ransom swung his legs off the chair and climbed to his feet.

"So I should just assume you heard all of that."

Veneration of Dreams // Ransom DrysdaleWhere stories live. Discover now