HMB 26

84 3 0

See you in this condition is the most pain of me,
See you get hurt because of me broke my heart into piece,
I'll find the one who did this to you even though the risk is high if that's the only way i can bring back your sweety smile.

"AI !!"

"Hey, what's happened to you? Are you hear me? Please stay wake for me...Hey princess you.. don't wanna leave me alone right? Please be okay princess" Soal Hayden dengan suara yang bergetar akibat tahan tangis sambil mencuba menyedarkan Qairine yang berada didalam pelukannya. Jujur dia tak pernah bayangkan yang dia akan 'jatuh' macam ni gara ii seseorang.

Usai mengambil semua barang milik Qairine dia terus bergegas membawa Qairine secara bridal style menuju ke kereta milik Qairine tanpa menghiraukan pandangan students yang berhampiran

Skip to Hosp.

"Nurse ! Please help me !!" Kata Hayden sedikit kuat sebab rushing untuk memanggil nurse yang ada dan lepas Qairine dibawa oleh nurse menggunakan stretcher dibawa ke bilik untuk pemeriksaan, Hayden hanya bisa akur dan berdoa di ruangan menunggu dihadapan bilik itu saat dia dihalang oleh nurse untuk turut masuk.

"Family Nur Qairine !?" Saat doktor keluar Hayden terus menghampirinya
dengan wajah risau yang tak hilang dari wajahnya dari tadi.

"I'm her husband. Why doc? Is it everything fine? She's not serious right?" Kesian doktor tu terus diserbu sama Hayden💆

"Ok, based on my examination earlier she was found sprained on her right wrist and some bruises on other parts of her limbs. For now, she is stable, just wait for her to wake up. She will be detained for several days for further examination. May I know what happened to her or is she involved in a bullying case?" Terang doktor tu lanjut

"I don't know too"

"it's okay if you find out you have to make a report because if it goes on it's likely to cause internal injuries and that's dangerous."

"Ok. Doc can i visit her?"

"Sure but please let her get enough rest and anything you can come see to me in my office. If there's nothing else i'll leave first"

"Ok thanks doc"

"Welcome" Usai kelibat doktor itu menjauh Hayden terus meluru masuk menemui Qairine

"Hey princess please wake up quickly i can't to see you like's broke me into piece...i feel useless when see you like this. Princess please wake up ! Tell me who did this to you? I'll not gonna let he/she freely if i find out who was that ! Please wake up princess, i want see your emotionless face, cold voice, your smile even it's a smirk. It's just a hours ago i be with you and that time you're ok why you became like this time i'm not around you? Princess your word this morning, it's bad word since you almost make them become it because my so called fans turn you like this?" Omel Hayden perlahan sambil menggenggam tangan Qairine erat sebelum mengucup kekura tangannya lama

"Wait here for a while ok? I need to go pray first" Usai mengucup dahi Qairine dia terus keluar menuju ke surau


Usai solat Hayden kembali lagi ke bilik Qairine dan terkaku seketika saat dia melangkah masuk melepasi pintu bila pandangannya disapa dengan Qairine yang sudah sedar dan sedang berusaha mencapai gelas diatas meja kecil disebelah.

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