HMB 38

79 3 0

Selepas dibash teruk oleh Rine, Emma terpaksa undurkan jugak diri dia dari situ sebab muka dia dah 'menipis' hari ni. (psst...mungkin make-up dia yang tebal kalah tembok kat rumah author tu dah cair)


"Boss? Betul ke boss dah kahwin?" Soal Kim, salah satu male worker kat sini

"Ya. Sorry kalau saya rahsiakan benda ni daripada awak semua" Pinta Hayden mohon maaf kepada pekerjanya

"Tak pe boss, kitorang tak kesah pun. Kitorang doakan semoga hubungan boss dengan cik puan kekal dan bahagia sampai bila ii" Tambah salah seorang lagi

"Thanks guys ! InsyaAllah nanti saya akan adakan family day ke celebration company's anniv ke saya akan sponsor kita semua pergi ke tempat yang best nanti korang suggestlah tempat mana korang nak pergi then bagitau kat Kak Ani jawapan majoriti akan dipilih nanti saya decide tarikh dia." Kata Hayden

"Betul ke boss?! Wahhh....!!! Thanks boss...!! Nanti kitorang suggest tempat yang paling menarik ya boss?" Ucap salah satu staff Hayden dengan nada yang teruja plus agak tak tersangka😮😯

"Boss? In country or overseas?" Soal seorang pekerja perempuan yang tiba ii terlintas difikirannya. Oleh kerana tuah soalan tu lah kot orang tu tanya soalan yang memanfaatkan orang lain juga.

"Don't worries I'm okay with any place. Just lemme know as fast as you can so I can prepare it early" Balas Hayden tenang+humble.

"Ok we will !! Thanks a lot boss !!" Balas mereka

"My pleasure" Balas Hayden ringkas.

"If there's no more things you all can dismiss and back to your works !" Mode boss Hayden dah mula aktif

"Yes boss !" Dengan itu mereka pun bersurai dan mula menyambung kembali kerja-kerja yang terbantut tadi termasuklah dengan pasangan 💞
Lovey dobey tu pun mula mengundurkan diri naik ke tingkat atas kembali dimana terletaknya pejabat milik Hayden.





"Hey, bun! You look so cool just now...!😉" Ucap Hayden


"Can't you answer me with more than ONE word !?"😩

"Why bother?"

"Eeyy...budak kecik ni kan...😠" Hayden lantas menarik pinggang Qairine sehingga terduduk di atas ribanya geram punya pasal.

"Yah!! Hay..!! What are you doin'? It's kinda inappropriate if we get caught by your staffs...!" Kata Qairine

"Why bother? You used to be bold right?! Why? You got embrassed suddenly? Huh?" Ujar Hayden berbaur menyakat Qairine

"Who would be?"😐

"Sulking huh? My bun always loved hide her feelings right? Bun? Even you loved to comfort others first but...please think about yourself too...You're supposed to be my under responsibility not me !"

"Take it easy Hay, i'm okay with that" Balas Qairine meyakinkan Hayden

"Ya, always said like that" Balas Hayden😣


"Bun? You'll come with me too for the holiday?!"

"Give me reason why I must join it too?"

"Of course you need to be there too ! First because you're Mrs Hayden a.k.a my beloved wife. Second, caused you're my wife so I want make this holiday as for our first honeymoon. And also if you don't wanna hear your hubby gonna chased by those bunch of girlish...just to avoid your jelly feels"😜

"It is important?"

"Bun? You're so heartless or emotionless? You asked like you don't even care if I be approach by girls...!?"

"It's not like I don't care just I believe my hubby, he's a good man."

"Setinggi itu Rine percaya abang? Kalau....suatu hari nanti ada sesuatu yang berlaku sehingga menghancurkan kepercayaan Rine macam mana?" Soal Hayden agak sesak.

"Then you'll never meet us depends for how long I want" Balas Qairine serious


"Yeah...if it's happen after I got pregnant then I'll take the baby with me"



"Will it be forever? Adakah....Rine akan failkan penceraian?"

"Nah, it won't be end like that maybe at least some time for cool down my emotion"

"Hey, bun? I may promise you I'll never broke your trust but I can't promise if there's no one who want ruin our relationship" Ucap Hayden ikhlas, lirih dengan kedudukan mereka menghadap antara satu sama lain dan menyatukan dahi mereka.

"Third wheel never can be guess"

"Then we need to guess them😐" Balas Rine sambil lewa;acuh tak acuh.

"If that so I'll past to you then"😒😏 Kata Hayden


"Bun? Kita dinner kat luar malam ni so takyah masaklah malam ni" Kata ii Hayden memecahkan suasana yang hening di antara mereka.

"Why? So sudden?! " Soal Rine dengan sedikit rasa hairan yang berkunjung tiba.

"! Don't get me wrong, that's not what you think. I just wanna spend time with my beauty bunny. After all, we haven't eaten out in a long time, you need to rest too. You work so hard to take care of my needs, household matters so there is no time for yourself later when we go on holiday I will not allow you to keep busy with other things I will make the holiday as the most beautiful memory in your life" Potong Hayden dengan ucapan yang panjang lebar membetulkan niatnya risau kalau Rine tersalah tafsir maksud dia.

" did you knew what had I thought?" Soal Rine

"Em..emm... Abang teka je manalah tahu kut Ai tersalah tafsir maksud abang ke...? Manalah tahu kan..?!" Balas Hayden salah tingkah😅😳

"Hmm? Why? You got syrup all over your face already? blushing already...?" 😏😉
Ucap Rine tiba ii dengan nada menyakat plus dia menghapuskan jarak yang masih tersisa di antara mereka sehingga mampu menjadikan Hayden salah tingkah, berdebar hebat.

"Airine....?! Kenapa bunny abang yang cute ni makin nakal eh? Terlebih manisan ke?" Soal Hayden dengan nada pasrah.

"I don't know too maybe....because you're too sweet to me...?"😊😘

"Sweet? Sweet like sugar or honey?" Soal Hayden

"Sweet like...



"Yes me, why.......?" Soal Rine selamba like nothing happend

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