Chapter 6

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“FORTY-FIVE... FORTY-SIX” Y/n counted while doing a push up with a sandbag ontop of his bag

“F-forty-nine... F.. Fifty.” Y/n gave up and fell down flat on his stomach, the bag rolled off of him which gave him a huge relief

Slowly turning around to lay on his back, he grunted once he felt how sore his body have become from training for almost eight hours without food and with a limited water supply.

His father was once again forcing him to train thinking that if he trained hard enough he might trigger his quirk not matter how many times he tell him that it doesn't work that way, but did his father listen? Of course not.

Standing up, he pulled off his sweaty tank-top off of him and wiped his body with a white towel that he prepared beforehand just before his father locked him in his training room.

He picked up his phone and scrolled through his contacts searching for his therapists name since its been a while since he consulted her

He continued to scroll until he saw an unknown number that was registered on his phone, getting curious he decided to give it a call and presses the phone to his ear

It continued to ring for a second, he was about to hang up when someone answered the call

“Name and Business?”

Y/n felt his body stiffened when he realized who's the number belongs to

“Shigaraki-san?” Y/n asked walking away from the door and standing behind the pillar just so his father won't be able to hear nor see him with his phone

“San? Who are you?” Shigaraki asked, the sound of glass clinking and the muffled sound of jazz music can be heard in the background

Y/n sat down on the matted floor and used the pillar to leaned on

“It's me, Y/n.” He said in a soft whisper

The other line was quiet for a while, the sound of glass clinking have stopped and it became eerily quiet which made him confused

“Oh I remember you now, you're that UA student who hates being in UA, so why did you called?” Shugaraki asked while scratching his neck causing it to turn red and raw

Y/n was silent for a while, he didn't know why he called it.. Can he say it was all out of curiosity? Well, he did not know who's rhe number belongs to and that it just randomly appeared on his phone

But there's something inside him that wants to talk to Shigaraki more.

“Shigaraki-san, are you free today?”


“YO L/N-BRO, YOU WERE SO COOL BACK THERE!” Kirishima yelled while slinging his arm around Y/n's shoulder

He simply shrugged him off and stood infront of Bakugou who glared at him

“Don't ever think once in your life that you've won, because you didn't.” Y/n said loudly before walking towards his desk ignoring the yells of profanities from the blond male

After sitting down he pulled out his textbook and began reading.

“Oh, that also goes the same for you.. Son of Endeavour.” Y/n added not even looking away from his book

Todoroki felt hot inside, he felt an intense amount of hatred towards the male for mentioning the name of his father and by addressing him by something he hates the most

“T-todoroki-kun you're burning the paper!” Momo yelled in panic as she noticed the growing fire ontop of shoto's table

Shoto immediately turned to hiss desk and it was indeed on fire, he deactivated his fire quirk and used his ice quirk to stop the fire

“Oh the privilege of having two quirks at the same time, can't relate” Y/n said while crossing his arms

“What's wrong with you, L/N-kun?” poor momo who's in between the two male asked.

“If I tell you what's wrong, what will you do? Talk to me, confort me, tell me it'll be alright?” Y/n asked still not looking at them and instead his attention was focused on his phone reading a text message he just received from shigaraki.

He stood up and grabbed his bag, Momo stood up and stepped in front of him.

“Sit down.” Aizawa came in with his yellow sleeping bag

Momo being a good student immediately sat down, but Y/n didn't budge and remained standing.

“I said sit down.” Aizawa said seriously

Y/n glared for a while before sitting down with a loud thud and purposely screeching his chair as he sat down, annoying Aizawa.

“Get in your hero suits, we're going to USJ.”

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