Chapter 16

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Wrote this while I'm pissed so there might be some typos.


Shoto immediately dodged an incoming attack sent by Y/n, it was an incoming punch, but something was definitely off about that move

“Can't you see the world we live in?” Y/n said as he trudges towards the male who's watching each move Y/n was making

“Why do you look so tense? Aren't you supposed to be confident since you have two quirks?” Y/n said before chuckling

Shoto furrowed his eyebrows and out of anger he activated his ice quirk and sent a massive spikes towards Y/n who stood still

A huge gust of winds erupted from the arena, almost covering the entire stadium as the ice reached up the top row

It was quiet, so quiet that you can hear everyone's heartbeat if you listened closely

“L/N-san seems to be immobile which makes Shoto the wi-” Midnight immediately stops talking when suddenly the ice explodes and shakes the arena

Shoto covered himself from the impact and managed to save himself from getting out of bounds by creating ice behind him, And once he looked up his eyes widened.

The spikes he sent towards Y/n was floating mid-air all pointing towards him while the latter stood in the middle completely unscathed.

“That was rude, attacking me while I'm still talking.” Y/n said while dusting his PE uniform off from the ice

“Stop acting so tough, it's disgusting.” Shoto snarled before sending a wave of ice towards Y/n

Once the fog cleared out Y/n was no longer there, Shoto looked around but stopped when he felt something sharp pressed against his neck

Y/n slowly leaned to the side of his face and whispered on his ears

“The only disgusting here is you and your fake moral.” Y/n whispered before kicking Shoto at the back of his legs sending him down kneeling

He walked Infront if the male and looked down on him with his head held high, his eyes piercing through his heterochromatic ones as if his soul is being watched and judged by; cold, dull e/c hues

“You'll soon see the world, my way.” Y/n said as he began walking towards the edge of the arena

Shoto watched him and felt rage, he felt humiliated and completely underestimated by Y/n. So he stood up and activated his left side

Y/n stopped walking but didn't turned around as he placed both hands out from his pockets, his lips curling upwards

“Fight me.” Shoto challenged

Shigaraki crushed the can he was holding as he watched the sports festival

“He sure is taking his time with endeavour's kid.” He snarled

Behind him was the new recruits, one with black hair and purple patches around his body while the other was a student who's eyes are fixated through the screen

Her cheeks flushed red as she's watched the H/c haired boy with pure ecstasy

“Here I thought he'll be bulky, I was not expecting to see a kid.” Dabi said rolling his eyes

Nothing can change the fact that Heroes are scared of their own shadows and that's something Y/n have learned over the past years he lived with his parents

Each time he would see his father on National television he always has the smile that is so fake it's making him feel disgusted. But when he's home his smile turns into a frown each time they would cross path

At the age of 12 Y/n learned something.

Heroes are Liars.

They are the biggest liars. They're no saint, they're only saving you because it benefits them.

If you're a Hero, someone who's focusing more on the safety of your people...then why bother chase after the ranks?

“You people disgust me the most.” Y/n said as he turned to face Shoto

His eyes held nothing but hatred while Shoto held determination

“Stop playing villain all the time.” Shoto said

“Stop playing hero.” Y/n said before running towards the male who raised up his left side and sent a wave of fire towards Y/n

The air inside the stadium grew hotter each second as the fire gets bigger

“You see Todoroki, you yourself are a one big liar.” Y/n said as he successfully evaded the fire with minimal damage from his uniform

He grabbed Shoto by hair and pulled him hard enough to throw him off the ground, barely missing the edge of the arena

Y/n straddled him and was about to throw punched when a huge ice hits his left side throwing him off of Shoto

The ice continues until he was completely covered and immobile, Shoto panted as he stood up shakily, He was already near his limit from overusing both his quirk.

“That's it?” Dabi asked unamused

“Wait.” Shigaraki said as he scratched his neck, drawing blood

He suddenly stopped and smirked when he saw cracks forming from the ice

“This kid is onto something.” Dabi chuckled

Shoto watched cautiously as the ice began cracking up, he was so caught up with watching the ice without realizing that behind him was an ice shard from earlier, dangerously aiming towards his head

Izuku who was watching gasped loudly and immediately stood up from his seat

“TODOROKI-KUN BEHIND YOU!” He yelled catching the two toned hair's attention who immediately turned around and barely dodged the ice, leaving a scratch on his cheek

The ice blew up but this time ice particles flew everywhere almost hitting the audiences if it weren't for cementos fast reflex the arena would've been covered in ice particles and dead audiences

"L/N DO THAT AGAIN AND YOU'LL BE DISQUALIFIED!” Midnight warned but her warning was ignored as Y/n stood still, glaring at Shoto

“Is that all you can do? Dodge and run?” Shoto mocked as he wiped a sweat off of his face

“I'm not the one who'll run from this match, it's you.” Y/n said before activating his borrowed quirk

He raised his hand towards Shoto who narrowed his eyes in confusion, he felt his body frozen in place just like before but this time it was his body reacting

There was a small orb forming at the palm of Y/n's hand, it was so small yet he could feel the ominous power coming from it and it was suffocating him

All Might stood up from his seat and paled when he realized what Y/n was doing, he was definitely familiar with that power as he experienced it before and barely withstand it

He turned to look at Midnight who was already getting ready to stop the fight alongside cementos

“Let's end this here!” Y/n yelled as he held his wrist for support

He could feel his veins burning from the quirks power, his body heating up and his energy being drained

Shoto also used all of his power to activate his fire quirk

There were already people from the audience shielding the other people just in case something dangerous would happen once they both attack

“You keep on saying that I'm a villain ever since we met.” Y/n laughs painfully as he tried to hold his body from giving in with his quirk

His eyes locked with Shoto, he grinned and eyed the people in the stadium before landing his eyes onto Midoriya who was watching him with a worried Expression

The entirety of Class 1-A was focused on Shoto as they root for him, he gritted his teeth before turning his attention back to his enemy and said something before releasing his power

“Fine then, I'll be your villain.”

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