Chapter 7

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    WHY IS IT THAT EVERY villain in the movies always lose to the heroes? Isn't it unfair?

Why can't they let the heroes lose? Is it because of the majority of people who prefers heroes over villains without knowing their story?

Don't they realised that there will be no hero if there's no villain, a villain is the reason why heroes holds and takes prides on their name, What's rivalry when there's neither?

A villain needs a hero, and a hero needs a villain, the good will always need The bad to maintain the balance Its like the yin-yang.

Villains will always have their evil goals because they know that they are the most important people and not the others, Villains are selfish.

Light cannot exist without the dark.

The good intentions are the heroes and bad are the villains, Sometimes there's evil in kindness and kindness in evil but for some people there's Neither.

Right now the class of 1-A is heading to the USJ where they will meet up with another pro hero called Thirteen

Y/n was busy minding his own business by reading the text conversations he's having with Shigaraki recently

He felt quite skeptic about the male along with his companion kurogiri

Shigaraki have told him a lot about the hero society and it wasn't good at all, every words he said somewhat affected the way he's thinking

“Am I.. Even in the right path?” Y/n mumbled under his breath as he tucked his phone inside the pockets of his costume

“We're here so stop messing out.” Aizawa said, he threw the [H/c] haired male a glance before stepping out the van

Thirteen greeted the class enthusiastically and explained what will happen inside until their eyes landed on a male who's standing far from with rest with his head hung low

“Aizawa, is that him?” Thirteen asked the tired looking teacher who simply nodded and tucked both his hands inside the pocket of his trousers

Thirteen began explaining their quirks and how easy they could kill someone which sent shivers down the class's spines

Y/n was the first to notice a very familiar purple mist forming by the fountains below them, his eyes wide need when he sees Shigaraki's hand popped out followed by his head then his body

“Are those battle robots?” Kirishima asked

“Don't move those are Villains!” Aizawa said as he fixed his goggles and prepared for the fight

Flashback the time Y/n meets Up with Shigaraki

“What do you want?” Shigaraki asked as he scratch his neck turning it red and raw

“You're.. A villain are you?” Y/n asked as he clenched his fist

Shigaraki stopped scratching and turned to face Y/n, his crimson eyes making contact with [E/c] Hues

“Ahh, that's lame, you already figured me out.. I have no use for you.” Shigaraki said standing up and reaching a hand out to touch Y/n and kill him but ti boy backed away

“I need your help.” Y/n said abruptly causing for Shigaraki to stop momentarily, the tips of his five fingers hovering above the poor boy's skin

“Help? A hero in traning needs help from a villain?” Shigaraki chuckled as he began scratching his neck more furiously

“This is stupid, it's so stupid that it makes me want to hear you out.” Shigaraki said smirking as he went back to his stool and patted the empty stool beside him signaling for Y/n to take a sit beside him

Y/n hesitantly took a sit beside the blue haired male and would threw glances at his direction just to make sure he would disintegrate him with his quirk

“I want you to help me change the society.” Y/n blurted out causing for Kurogiri to stop drying the glass and stare at Y/n with his glowing misty orbs

“Are you willing to betray the hero world and chose the villains?” Shigaraki asked

“I chose neither, I just want a society where people like me are never overlooked and should be treated as equal, I want a society where there's no power hungry politicians and egotistical heroes.” Y/n said as he began chewing on his bottom lips drawing a bit of blood

“I see..” Shigaraki said as he slides a glass of Wisley towards Y/n but was snatched away by Kurogiri

“He's a minor.” Kurogiri said before moving away with the glass of liquor and coming back with a orange juice witch Y/n thanked him

“If you want to change society are you willing to put dirt on your hands?” Shigaraki asked

“What do you mean..?” Y/n asked as he slowly turned his head to face Shigaraki who's smirking at him

“You might as well kill All Might first in order to start a revolution.”

“.../N...L/N-KUN!” Y/n was snapped back to reality when he felt a hand grabbed him by the shoulder and shakes him back and forth by Midoriya

He Could see his torn PE uniform along with a few scratches and broken bones in his body

“You passed out after getting morphed with us.” Izuku said as he panted while trying maintain his balance

“where's the others?” Y/n asked as he stopped closer the edge where he could see the entire view of the USJ along with his other classmates fighting against the villains that Shigaraki brought along with him

“L/N-KUN BEHIND YOU!” Midoriya suddenly yelled making Y/n turn his back barely dodge a knife almost slicing his throat open

The villain lost balance and fell on the edge, Y/n could see the villains hand trying to hold himself up

“N-no! Wait help me I'll die if I fall!” The villain yelled in desperation as he looked at Y/n's eyes

Midoriya watched as how Y/n took a step forward and noticed that the male wasn't doing anything in order to help the villain up and instead he was just standing there, watching the villain desperately yells for help but it seems Y/n has gotten deaf

“L/n-kun-” Izuku didn't managed to finish his words when suddenly Y/n stepped on the villains hand and kicked him off the edge, his eyes widened in fear and confusion

Midoriya could hear the villain's blood curling screams as he disappeared under them followed by his screams also disappearing

There's a saying that Heroes are willing to sacrifice you in order to save the world, but a villain is willing to sacrifice the world in order to save you..

'But neither of those applies for me, because I will sacrifice both.'

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