Chapter 19

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It was a rainy day for everyone who lives in Musutafu, Japan. Y/n folds his umbrella and placed it on the rack where the other umbrellas are being dried off. He looked up and almost immediately he was cornered by a lot of UA students

He furrowed his brows as the students kept on multiplying, it was overwhelming him, the air was getting thinner making it hard for him to breathe



Y/n lowered his head and tried his best to walk past through the crowd of students but failed when suddenly they start to grab and pull him towards them, this made him really uncomfortable and annoyed as he pulled his arm back forcefully and turned his head to glare at them with his dilated pupil

"Don'" he mumbled

The students immediately stopped and was frozen in fear, they have completely intruded his space. One tried to console him by wrapping his arm over his shoulder

"Come on man! no need to-" Y/n didn't let him finish as he grabbed his arm and pushed him off with force sending him towards the others who, fortunately, managed to catch him in time

He soon turned and continued his way towards class 1-A and slides the door slowly, the chattering stopped momentarily. He could feel them looking at him as he walks towards his table

"Good morning L/N-san!" Momo greeted him with a smile but he ignored her and grabbed his journal and began reading

"L/n bro! you missed out a lot yesterday! we got worried when you suddenly left and didn't came back after!" Kirishima said while standing beside his table with denki on his side

"Yeah man, we got to decide for out hero names!" Denki said smiling brightly

Hero names, how annoying..

"I wonder what would be your hero name..." Sero asked while placing his thumb under this chin

"As if he'll get one, he doesn't even have his name on the draft picks." Bakugou said while smirking at Y/n who just looked at him then went back to reading

"I don't need a hero name nor work with heroes." Y/n said as he flips a page

Soon Aizawa entered the room and visibly frowned when he saw Y/N, yesterdays events have been bothering him since the moment Y/n left the school and never returned he dialed his family number and asked if his student have went home

"Oh, Y/n-sama? he's not home yet."

Shaking his thoughts away he scanned his students and went to teaching like nothing happened


The day of the internship arrived and Y/n was following the group with his newly modified hero costume in hand, he looked up and then back down at his paper

'Hosu city...'

He's heading to his father's company and do his internship there much to his dismay

"Oi! you're heading to hosu too?" Denki said as he stood beside him while reading his paper

"Too?" Y/n asked

"Yeah! Iida is heading there as well, you too should go together." Kirishima said

Y/n watched Iida from the back as the male continued to walked silently. Out of all places why Hosu City...

he decided to ignore his thoughts for now and went to ride the bullet train, he made sure to follow Iida and keep an eye at him the entire ride, he furrowed his brows when he noticed how serious Iida looked like

After almost an hour of travel time they have finally arrived to Hosu, City. He was the first to leave the train and saw Iida walking on the opposite direction from where he's heading. He continued to watch Iida's back until he slowly disappears amongst the crown

'What are you planning..'

Another hour have passed and he finally arrived at his father's agency, in front was a group of people waiting for him while bowing their heads

"Welcome, Y/n-sama" One female approached him and two guards clad in black suits grabbed his bags for him

"Your father is waiting for you in his office, this way please." The woman said as she walked ahead of him and entered an elevator with him following suit

"Am I the only student from UA?" Y/n asked

"Another student from UA arrived earlier than you and he's currently talking to your father right now." The woman said, before he could ask more questions the door to the elevator opened

The hallway was quiet and filled with family portraits from generations to generations, at the end of the hall was a double door with a hero guarding it

"Y/n-sama has arrived." The woman said to the hero who bowed and pushes the door open

"-king forward to work with you" Someone said

Y/n stopped when he was met eye to eye with the said UA student, he felt his whole body stiffened as the student looked at him with the same expression

"What the hell are you doing here, Iida?"

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