Murder Most Unladylike

518 14 13

This one is a lesser known book so I will include a synopsis: Hazel Wong moves from Hong Kong to attend a boarding school in England. She befriends the Honourable Daisy Wells and they start the detective society.

Canon Ships:

Alexander x Hazel
Good, mutual pining, makes sense. Only issue is that it's kinda boring to be honest

Daisy x Amina
Go lesbians! Go lesbians! They are both such badass women and Daisy is too proud to admit that she likes Amina but Amina just plays along. Also Daisy literally went to Egypt for Amina so...

George x Lavinia
They are really awkward and funny together and Lavinia just makes me laugh especially when she is talking about her dad's new wife

Non-canon ships:

Comment those not included here

Hazel x Daisy
I don't really think they are good together as I love their platonic friendship so much. They still get three because lesbians.

Daisy x George
Daisy is a lesbian so this is pretty self explanatory

George x Alexander
This is cute and I think it would make sense with the canon 

Kitty x Beanie
Yes, if Kitty wasn't so boy-obsessed then this would totally be canon.

Clementine x Lavinia
Lesbian enemies to lover, do I need to say more

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