Chapter Five

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It's been a long time since I last saw Grayson, Ethan, and Abbie. It's now the first day of school, first day of high school. I've FaceTimed them, texted them, and seen what they're doing on Instagram and Twitter and Snapchat, but it's not the same as having them there with me.
Callie and I have become friends, im not sure for how long, but for now we are friends.
"Are you going to be okay taking the bus, sweetie?" I tilt my head,"Yes mom. I'll be just fine. Callie rides the bus so I can sit with her." My mom nods, and hugs me one more time. "Mom! Hair! Watch out!" I laugh. My mom has tears glossing her eyes,"I know. I know. I'm just... over reacting. It's okay. I'm okay. It's all okay." I smile,"I've got to go." I turn around and head outside.
I run up to the bus, where Callie is waiting for me. We walk into the bus together, and that's when hell, I mean school, begins.
Callie and I get our schedules, and decide where to meet up. Callie is doesn't know anyone here either, because she comes from a private school.
I made my way to my first period, which was science. Ugh. I get into the classroom and sit down in the front right as the bell rings.
The teacher introduces himself as Mr. Johnson, ect. Then he tells us we have assigned seats. Yet again, ugh.
He shows us over the projector where people sit. I sit in between two guys, Tristan and Peyton. This should be interesting.
Everyone moves to the assigned seat, and I realize that the guys are kinda cute. Oops. Did I just say that? Oh well. Mr. Johnson starts talking about the expectations for the class, and I get bored. So I take out my phone and start texting Grayson.
Me: hey grey
He doesn't reply right away, so I turn lock my screen. He replies a minute later.
Greyson: bored af in class wbu
Me: same. Science wbu
Greyson: lunch
Me: I want lunch. Screw you
Greyson: haha
I look up, and I think Mr. Johnson assigned something.
Me: got to go. Text you later
I notice everyone around me is working, so I lean over to Peyton. "Hey." I whisper. He looks up. "What are we supposed to be doing ?" He shrugs,"Ask Tristan." I raise my eyebrows, and he does the same. I bite my lip to stop myself from laughing. I take his advice and ask Tristan.
Eventually I figured out what to do. Then I had Math, History, Lunch, English, PE, and Spanish. Thank god the school day was done, I was so done with these people.
At the end of the day I got Peyton's number, and think he's nice.
Ugh. I'm so confused. I think I like Greyson, but then again I think I like Peyton. Ugh.
Sorry this chapter sucked. I just needed to get past this. Next chapter will be better! ... I hope.
-Caroline <3

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