Kageyama's Dad

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Pov: Percy

      Most of the time when I say my name to other people of the demi-god world they sometimes think of me as the "Savior of Olympius" or possibly "Best Swordsman" but the most common thing that people think of when they hear my name is "Son of Poseiden". I know that I am his son, but I wish that people didn't think of me only as that. For example, whenever I fight a monster, they always have to say, "Son of Posedian, I was waiting for you."

      Today, well mostly right now isn't about me though. It's about recently finding out who Kageyama's, real dad is. Especially since he is a part of the big three. 

       Last night, Hinata, Kageyama, Jason, Nico, Will, and I were sitting down around the campfire talking about the differences of what your powers might be depending on your godly parent. Will being able to heal, Nico can raise the dead as zombies, Jason can control storms, And I can control water. All of a sudden Kageyama drops a bombshell, well not literally but you get what I mean.

       "I can talk to the dead," Kageyama states nonchalantly after hearing Nico talking about being able to raise the dead. We all turn to look at him with our jaws dropped. Nico started to stutter, "What, what do you mean?" Kageyama looked at him like he was dumb before saying it again, "I can talk to the dead," but before Kageyama could make a smartass remark, a light shone above him symboling a skull. It was Hades claiming him.

      "Wait, what does that mean?" Kageyama asked looking at me. I get back to Earth after zoning out and explain to him how he is the son of Hades, and half-brother of Nico. As I say that I turn to Nico and notice that it looks like he is about to pass out. Nico looks at Kageyama and then passes out into Jason's arms. Jason looks at me and I pick Nico up and carry him to his cabin.

Pov: Kageyama

      Wait how am the son of Hades, I'm not a very dark, but a great nice person. I accidentally say this out loud and Hinata laughs at me, "You, not very dark, everyone was scared of you the first couple months we met you," I think back and remember how I used to act, "okay, nevermind." 

      I then think of Nico, I remember what Percy said about me being a brother of Nico, I look at Jason and Will. "What does Percy mean about me being the half-brother of Nico?" I see Jason and Will look skeptically at each other before will says, "You and Nico have the same dad."


      I smile and then think of my sister, she must be the daughter of Hades too, but then I remember talking to her a few years ago about our parents, apparently, she and I have different dads, so she couldn't be the daughter of Hades. What am I going to tell the others though? Do I just tell them or do I do something special, I'll just tell them.

     So that's just what I did and I got a ton of different reactions but the main one was, "I knew it." we talked about it some more but then we all decided to go to bed.

      All night I couldn't stop thinking about why my parents didn't tell me, what was so important about me being a child of Hades.  Around 3 am I drift off thinking about how I'm going to ask Percy why they would keep it from me.



     I hope you guys enjoyed the Chapter, I feel like my chapters a getting a bit longer each time I wrote them. I was very excited writing about Kageyama's dad as Hades, I felt like it fit better than any other god, although I planned on none of them being a part of the big three's children. If you guys feel like I should add another to the Big three's kids (like NIshinoya because he is always using "Rolling Thunder") Then just comment next to this paragraph.



~Peace Out Cabbages


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