Daichi's Funeral

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3rd person pov:

The day was a sad day for the demigods and Karasuno players. Losing a friend, brother, and boyfriend was despairing. No matter what you did to stop your heart form breaking, you just couldn't. 

The weather was even unsettling with its mighty down pore. All around you can see the Kurosano players holding back tears, or in Suga and Hinatas case letting the streaming of their tears block their vision. 

Suga's POV:


It should have been me who died. I was the one with no future. I was the one that no one needed. He was, though he was the captain, the cheerful one everyone listened to, the love of my life.  Why did he have to try and save me like the reckless person he was. 


I loved you, you stupid idiot. You weren't supposed to die you promised me, you promised. You told me you were going to stay by my side.

                                                              ~2 weeks before ~

Sugas POV:

"You why did you ask me out here Daichi?" I asked him looking up at the clouds him laying by my side. He slowly sits up and looks me in my eyes. Oh gods did I love his eyes, they always make me feel better after a long day.

"I wanted to ask you something," He says. I notice the weird tremble his body does whenever he is anxious. I grab a hold of his hand before putting it on my heart.

I calmly asked him, "What do you need to tell me?" He stands up and sticks his hand out to me to help me up. Cautiously I stick my hand out letting him pull me up. After I get up he decides to sit back down.

"Oh come on quit playing games," I giggle. I go to sit down again and a hand sticks up blocking my way. I look confused at him before he starts to talk again.

" Wait," He says. I stay standing and trying to think of what might happen next when all of sudden he pulls a ring out of his back pocket before getting one one knee. I freeze... is he going to.....


"Suga I have loved you since the moment I laid eyes on you. I have loved you through sickness and health and will never leave your side no matter how big a fight there may be. I will love you until the day I die. Suga, will you marry me," Daichi looks me in my eyes. Tears are pouring and before he asks me if I'm okay I yell out,

"Yes, oh god yes I love you," as i'm crying I put on the ring watching it sparkle in the light.

                                                             ~Back to Present~

Suga's POV:

As I sit here staring at my ring I remember the great moments that we had together. We were supposed to get married. We were going to grow old together. Now that you are gone my entire life that I had planned out will no longer be able to go into play.

One thing I do know is that you will always be watching over me. You will be there if I need you and will see you again Elysium, and there we will finish what we started.

"I can't wait to see you again, my love."


Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you want to see something in another chapter you can always comment and I will try to fit it into the story.




Peace out cabbages

Love you and thank you for supporting this story


600 Words

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