I Need Help.

280 6 17

I have currently 23 days until school starts for me. 

What does that have to do with the chapter you ask...

Absolutely Nothing.


I Currently Have 0 ways I can move this story in the right direction. I am contemplating whether I should Kill off Daichi or something. Actually, that's a great idea. Hope you enjoy the Chapter.


Suga's POV

I was walking through the woods, trying to get rid of the noise in my head. Daichi and I have recently got into a fight and I just needed to get away from him. Most of the time when this happens I just end up leaving and talking to Hinata or Yamaguchi, they somehow always know how to put me in a better mood.

Lately, though they have been busy. Hinata with training and Yamaguchi with Tsukishima. That leaves me to be alone walking through the woods. As I make it to the top of the hill, I lay down on my back and look up into the sky wondering why we had to fight all the time.

Daichi POV

Half the time when me and Suga fight, it is over the stupidest things. Like either, it is about me not putting the pizza in at a certain time, or me getting mad at him for changing the laundry detergent brand. Whenever this happens though it always ends the same way, with him leaving and going on a walk. After about the fourth time of him doing this, I just got used to it. So whenever he left the house today I thought nothing of it.

Until I heard his yell of terror that is.

I jumped up slipping on my shoes and racing out the door. I see him surrounded by large dog beast things. I try to move but I am frozen in place from shock and fear. I see a sword lying on the ground, just inches away. Without thinking a jump at the beats sword raised coming down directly onto the closest one's neck. As it disappeared into dust, another one jumps at me.

After killing about all three of these beasts, I run over to him and pull him into my arms running my hands all over his face to check to make sure there were no cuts. I quickly pull him into a kiss after seeing he was alright.

"Dear gods, do you know how worried I was?" I looked him in the eyes while I held his face in my hands. For some reason though, he wasn't paying attention to me, he was staring in fear at something behind me. Before I could do anything, I heard the growl.

3rd Person

The beast jumps onto Daichi, causing Suga to stumble back and end up falling onto his ass. Daichi in fear tries to fight back, but it is too late. Daichi is slowly losing the battle as the beast sinks its teeth into Daichi's flesh. As all of this is happening, Percy comes running into the scene.

Percy pulls Riptide out and starts to fight the last forgotten beast. Percy, being the stronger fighter takes down the hound and sees it disintegrate. Percy starts to call out for Will and Nico. Will comes running with a medkit and quickly gets to work. Nico sadly grabs Percy and drags him away.

"There is no life in him, I don't feel it." Nico looked at Percy with tears  in his eyes, "He is Dead." 


~Thank you for reading 

~Comment what you want to see in the story 

~ Peace out Cabbages

~Word count = 600

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