The Team

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Percy's pov.

       As we were walking to the school nurse I heard squeaking and loud thumps. My ADHD got the best of me and I asked hinata what it was.

"Oh it's our team practicing after we take you to the nurse do you want to watch us?" Hinata asked.I was curious so of course I said yes. We made it to the nurses office and they said I was fine and the headache should go away soon I decided to make our way back to the gym so they can practice and i could watch. Hinata slammed open the door open like Annabeth would if I got a bad grade on a test. That thought made me Shiver,Annabeth can be terrifying. When I got my head out of the clouds I noticed everyone in the gym was looking at us. Me having to be sassy said,

"I know im sexy but there's no need to stare." Hinata laughed and the introduce me to everyone my way to remember everyone is, Mom is Suga,Dad is Dachi,bun is Asahi,bleached front piece is Noya,shaved head#1 is Tanaka, shaved head #2 is Narita,spiky gray is Kinoshita,the only normal 2nd year Ennoshita,Salty blond is Tsukishima,Greenie is Yamaguchi. After memorizing all of them I met the coaches and managers they were easy to remember they were polar opposites. Then Hinata told me I could sit on the side and watch them practice,so I did i wanted to see them in action.Then They started to play

(This was edited but I didn't rewrite it just spaced the paragraphs)

Hope you enjoyed sorry it took so long to update i was trying to come up with a idea for this charter so it wasn't to short lol.Tell me what you think of it.

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