Part V

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"You sure that's what you saw? It could be stress playing a toll on your mind." Kyoko scribbled down Gundham's story. She seemed to understand most of it while Makoto, Kaito, and Shuichi stared at the breeder with confused expressions. Especially Kaito. Shuichi had a bit more concern in his eyes. Gundham nodded his head rapidly, his face turning purple from how hard he's tugging at his scarf.

"Y-yes! I would never be wrong! K-Kaz was acting weird a-and his bear creature k-killed that poor mouse! I-i-i...feel like I might hurl.." Gundham whimpered, his anxiety spiking through numbers he never had gone past. Kaito and Makoto had to force the taller man down on a chair.

"Alright, man, breathe. You're as purple as your scarf." Kaito forced Gundham's hands away from his scarf. Gundham sucked in a deep breath, his head pounded and his mind was racing. What was Kaz doing? How could he have killed the poor creature? What happened to him when he was missing? Questions upon questions flooded Gundham's mind and tears streamed down the breeder's face. Gundham hid his face in his hands and trembled. He couldn't let any of the others see him cry.

"Gundham, here. Drink some water." Makoto handing Gundham a water bottle, the breeder slowly took it. His grip on the plastic almost made the lid fly off.

"Kyoko, is this good? Something serious could have happened to Souda, and we can't get close enough to him for questions. We aren't his usual friend group." Shuichi spoke to Kyoko. Who was looking at the ground, clearly lost in her thoughts. Kaito rubbed circles on Gundham's back and Makoto leaned against a nearby table. 

"Exactly. That's why... and I dislike putting this on you at a moment like this..." Kyoko gently tapped Gundham's shoulder. Gundham lifted his head, his eyes red from trying to hold back his sobs. He sniffled softly and raised an eyebrow.

"You... need me to ask him your detective questions?" Gundham asked, his voice cracking.

"Who else would be able to?" Shuichi scratched the back of his head, his soft grin twitching at the corners of his mouth. "You're the only one he has opened up with. You know pretty much everything, correct?"

Gundham nodded.

"So, you'll be able to ask him what had happened and we'll figure out how to reinstate Kazuichi with the information you gain." Kyoko started writing in her notebook again. Gundham looked at his hands and sighed. If this meant he was going to help Kaz by trying to ask him the questions he doesn't like answering, then he'll do it. Gundham was sure the real Kaz would understand in the end. When he isn't a fake. When he's not supposedly insane.

"Alright, you ask him these. But don't make it as though you're doing it for us. Bring it up in a conversation or try to sidetrack his mind into answering you." Kyoko handed Gundham a piece of paper with a dozen different questions on it. The breeder stared at the words, he couldn't make out a lot of what the detective wrote but at least he could read some of it. He might need to rewrite it if he got the chance.

"If he starts acting violent towards you or anyone else, you get us, and we'll contain him until he's able to calm down." Shuichi shoved his hands into his pockets. Gundham's eyes shot up towards him and he looked like he hated that idea.

"Contain him?! He isn't one of my dark beasts! Don't contain him! Negotiate! Or do whatever you fiendish detectives do to calm the other down!" Gundham stood up, his anger flaring in his chest. Shuichi and Kaito flinched, Makoto had jumped at least a foot into the air and Kyoko stood staring at the flustered breeder.

Gundham couldn't believe that these mortals want to contain his Beloved mechanic like some animal! Gundham didn't need that for Souda. And he was sure Souda didn't want or need that. Kyoko raised an eyebrow.

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