11. Cupcakes

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Harry's POV

Once we all got ot the hotel last night Anna fell alsleep almost immediatly so me and the boys decided to talk about this whole situation. Truth is i don't want ot leave her behind and have her go back to the school almost as if none of this has happened. It's amazing that we haven't had any trouble with the paps since we have been here.

"Guys i really don't want to leave her behind." I said rufffling my hair with my hand.

"We know Haz neither do we." Louis said and i sighed.

"ALthough we just met her she is like our sister too." Niall said and the others nodded in agreeement.

"What if we talk to Simon and stuff maybe she can come along with us to London and go on tour with us and stuff." Liam said and i just about jumped up.

"That's perfect LiLi we'll talk to Simon tomorrow before he goes back to London. " I said and the others agreed.

"Well i'm going to my own room to sleep i'm tired." Zayn said, "See you guys tomorrow, night." He said walking out hte door.

"You know what me too night guys." Niall said looking up from his phone walking out the door. Soon they all left one by one so i decided to go to sleep as well. Climbing in to the bed next to Anna i fell alsleep.


Anna's POV

I awoke and Harry was still alsleep so i got out of bed and walked into the kitchen of the hotel room and decided to make some breakfast. Me and Harry would always help mom cook dinner and sometimes breakfast on Sundays when we would have a huge breakfast together and stuff. I kinda miss it. I smile at the thoughts and memories as i grab the eggs and bread out of the fridge.

I gather a bowl the pand and all the other ingrediants.  Soon the delicous smell of eggs were wafting through the hotel room. I put it on plates along with some toast that was already covered in nutella. I got me and Harry some orange juice and walked back to the bed room where Harry was still soumdlessly sleeping.

"Hazzy wakey wakey." I said putting his plate of food and cup of juice on the night stand next ot him as i started to shake his shoulder making him just turn the other way. I jumped on the bed singing random songs jumping on the bed around him like i would do when we were younger to our parents. I fell on him as my ankle gave out again making me grunt in pain as i landing on my ribs.

"Alright i'm awake i'm awake, Anna you alright?" Harry mumbled then becoming more awake as he saw me laying on the bed next to him after i landed on him. "and whats that smell?" He asked sniffing the air.

"First of all yes i'm good just fell and second i made breakfast." i said smiling at him walking over to the plates and cup handing it to him walking back to the kitchen to get my own. We sat on the bed next ot each other eating tohe breakfast i made as we talked about past memories with the family.

"Thanks Anna for the breakfast and you didn't burn it." He said smiling as he finished off the rest of his orange juice.

"One time Harold One time." I said pouting.

"One Time we had to get a new toaster and keep all windows open for the next couple weeks." He said laughing.

"Yes it was One Time and i think it was you that broke the microwave making microwavable french toast." I shot back smiling smugly.

"I thought the box said 4 minutes for each stick." He said shrugging and i laughed at him.

"Only you Harry only you." I said still alughing alittle, "I miss this Harry." I said and a wave of sadness flashed across his face.

Harry Styles secret sister *major editing*Where stories live. Discover now