9.Keep holding on

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Anna's POV

I heard someone enter the room but i didn't know who it was since you know I'm kinda unconscious and i can only hear but can't speak, move nor see. Gemma has been at my side the whole time i can hear her talk to me and holding my hand. Liam and Penelope arrived a little bit ago and they are sitting on the opposite side of me than Gemma. Pe was talking to me like i would respond and everything. I tried but i still couldn't. I don't know if Harry is here or not. I don't know if maybe he is just sleeping or what.

"Harry, where have you been?" Liam i beleive asked. So Harry just hasn't been here where has he been? why wouldn't he be here?

"I was with a girl..." He was cut off by Gemma.

"Seriously Harold your sister in in the hospital unconscious and you went out flirting with girls to get in one of their pants." She whispered screamed and i couldn't help but agree but i have always believed in hearing both sides before choosing.

"Gemma you know i wouldn' t do that i love Anna and i wanted to be here but i couldn't stand seeing her like this when i know i am the reason that she is like this. When i left a really nice girl saw me in the hallway and tried to cheer me up by taking me to the children's ward where she works to cheer up cancer patients." He said sounding kinda upset about what Gemma has said. Wait! Why did Harry leave and need to be sheered up and did he really think this was his fault?

It went quiet for a while and i soon fell into this deep sleep i guess you could call it like i was sleeping but uncounsious at the same time.

I awoke to Someone at me side holding my hand speaking.

"Hi AnnaBoBanna...I miss you. I miss your smile, Your laugh, your voice... I miss my partner in crime my other musketeer. Your like my left hand i need you and i won't make it if you are gone permanently. I have lost both dads, mom and i can't add you to that list. I miss you please wake up i know this is my fault but please....If you go i go, if you live i live, if you die i die." He said and i can't believe he is saying this it wasn't his fault i wish i could tell him that. I fought to open my eyes, speak or even move anything from my toes to eyebrows. No such luck.

He then started to sing Keep Holding On by Avril Lavigne. 

"You're not alone, together we stand

I'll be by your side, you know i'll take your hand 

When it gets cold and it feels like the end

There's no place to go, you know i won't give in

No, I won't give in

Keep holding on

'cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through

just stay strong

cause you know i'm, here for you, i'm here for you

There's nothing you could say ther's nothing you could say do

Ther's no other way when it comes to the truth

So keep holding on

Cause you know we'll make it through, make it through

So far away i wish you where here

Before it's to late this could all disappear

Before the door's closed and it comes to an end

With you by my side i will fight and defend

I'll fight and defend, yeah, yeah

Keep holding on

Harry Styles secret sister *major editing*Where stories live. Discover now