Mystic Falls

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Natasha walked up the the door of the Salvatore mansion. Katherine followed slightly behind, a bit hesitant.

Nat knocked on the door. She heard a voice from inside, a girls voice she didn't recognize.

"Were we expecting anyone?" The girl asked.

"No." A different voice said, a guys voice. Nat assumed Damon.

And she was right, Damon opened the door. The annoyance on his face turning into a mixture of shock and fear. He quickly shook it off and regained his annoyed face.

"Well look who decided to show up. The big bad Avenger." He said.

Stefan came from around the corner, "Nat?"

"Nat? Who's Nat?" Katherine doppelgänger, Elena, spoke, coming out of the kitchen.

"Nats our sister. Damon's twin." Stefan explained.

"I don't want to ruin this whole, family reunion thingy. But, I'm here too." Katherine said, arms folded across her chest.

Damon and Stefan seemed to visibly deflate at the sight of her.

"Oh goody." Damon said sarcastically.


"You mean to tell me you want to kill the Mikaelsons?" Nat asked.

"Yes, we have the last of the white oak wood. The only thing that can kill them!" Elena said.

"I know what white oak is. I've been a vampire since 1864. If I didn't know better I'd be dead." Nat said, slightly annoyed by the young girl.

"Are they here? The Mikaelsons?" Katherine asked.

"Yes, they've been terrorizing us in Mystic Falls for the last few months." Caroline said.

"And you lot think you can kill them.." Nat said, doubtfully.

They nodded. Nat shook her head, "You're crazy."

"Wait! You could help us!" Elena said.

"Me?" Nat said. "I'm not going to walk into this suicide mission."

"Just think of how much easier it would be to take down the Mikaelsons with a super cool vampire assassin on our side! It would be ten times easier!" Elena continued.

"She's right. You'd be a huge help." Stefan said.

The others nodded in agreement. Nat sighed, "Alright fine. You have a point. I'll help you."

They all seemed a bit relieved to hear that. They continued to discuss the plans when Damon decided to bring up what everyone was already thinking.

"So Nat... about you coming here.... the Avengers don't know you're here do they?" Damon asked.

"No. I left last minute with Katherine. I didn't even tell them I was leaving... and no. They don't know im a vampire. Or that im a Salvatore." Nat said, reassuring them.

"Hm. You don't think they'll come looking for you, do you?" Damon asked.

"Well- I ... didn't think about that." Nat said, mentally smacking herself for forgetting.

"Oh good, so we might have a squad of super smart or strong guys coming to get you back?" Damon said.

Nat shrugged. Damon rolled his eyes.


A few days had passed and Nats phone had been blowing up with texts and calls from Tony, Steve (who couldn't text very well), Bruce, and Clint especially. She even got a few unknown number calls, which she assumed was Fury and ignored them anyways.

That was when she got a call from a Russian number. She answered it out of curiosity.


'I didn't think you'd pick up.' A woman with a Russian accent said.

Nat immediately knew who it was. "Yelena?"

'Ah good job. I thought you'd forgotten about me. With your new Avengers 'family' and all.'

"How I could forget about my favorite soul sister?"

'Wel you seemed to forget about me when you left me at Hydra.. but who cares they didn't do shit anyways. Now let me in it's cold.'

Nat hung up, walked to the door and opened it. Sure enough, Yelena was standing there with a medium sized suitcase in one hand and her phone in the other.

"How did you know I was here?" Nat asked, smiling.

"Well when the Avengers themselves don't know where you are I decided to check here. You know, this being your brothers' house and all." Yelena explained, as if it was obvious. "Now are you going to invite me in or do I need to make camp outside?"

"Yeah let me go get Elena." Nat said, walking away for a minute.

"Elena? Is that some kind of rip-off version of me?" Yelena called from the doorway. Upon seeing Elena her expression changed, "Oh. She's a rip-off version of Katerina."

"I don't have to invite you in you know." Elena said.

"But you probably will anyways." Yelena said, offering a fake smile.

"Whatever, come in Yelena." Elena said, walking away.

"Ha. What did I say, she let me in anyway." Yelena said, smiling for real.

Katherine came down the stairs, "Oh hey. It's my half-sister."

"Yes, hello Katerina. Or Ka-ther-ine. Whatever they call you now." Yelena said, forcing herself to say the other name as she put her suitcase down.

"Oh good there's more crazy assassins." Damon said as he followed Katherine.

"You should be thanking me. I'm here to help. I heard about your Mikaelson dilemma, via Kat- Katherine." Yelena said.

"Yeah, we're gonna crash their party with white oak stakes and pow pow, no more Mikaelsons." Damon said.

"Yes that's fun and all, but you are forgetting one little thing that happens to be quite important." Yelena said.

"And that would be..?" Damon said.

"The fact that killing an Original will cause their entire sire line to be wiped out with them, so we'll all die too." Yelena said, crossing her arms.

Damon opened his mouth to speak, until he realized she was right, "Well shit. Anyone know a witch who can un-sire us or whatever?"

"Only one." Nat said, she and Katherine made eye contact.

"You don't mean..." Katherine started.

"Esther Mikaelson herself." Yelena finished.

Silence passed through the room.

"Great." Damon spoke. "Just great."

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