happy birthday to me..

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The next day, Kiyotaka woke up. To his surprise, his bedside table had a card on it.
He opened it, the card read;

Hey bro, happy birthday! I think everyone else forgot- anyway- Mondo told me to give you this on your birthday, he couldnt bring himself to do it on his own.
From, Hagakure

Kiyotaka looked over to the box next to the card. He opened it, there it lay, his chain. Mondos chain. Taka immediately grabbed it and put it on. And for the first time in a while, he smiled, a tiny bit. This gave him a small amount of motivation, he got up, walked over to the bathroom, and took a shower.

~time skip~

Kiyotaka left the bathroom, wearing Mondos jacket, Mondos chain, a shirt and pants. He left his room, making his way to the changing rooms.

dear diary.. (ishimondo angst)Where stories live. Discover now