the end?..

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Kiyotaka saw a white light. Blindingly bright. He walked towards it. A figure stood at the entrance. Could it be? Surely not? Mondo! It was Mondo! Taka picked up his speed almost into a sprint. He ran and ran and ran until finally he reached it! It was really him!




Mondo pulled Taka in for the biggest hug

'So uh- you found the letter?'

'Oh yeah i did.'

'See i understand if you dont feel the sa-'

Taka put his hand over Mondos mouth

'I do feel the same. I do.'

'You- you do?'

'I do'

Mondo embraced Taka into a kiss until-

'Ew get a room guys-' a tall ginger said

'Shut the fuck up let me makeout with my boyfriend' Mondo yelled


Mondo smirked

'Shall we?' Mondo asked, pointing to the entrance to the white light

'We shall.' Taka smiled

They held hands. What was this feeling? Was it confusion? Was it- no. It was what they felt for eachother all along. Love.


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