why me?..

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Dear diary,
                   Today was the worse day i think i ever experienced. My best bro- well- i wished he was more than a 'bro'. He was the only person who ever cared for me. He's gone. Mondo's gone and gone for good. I don't know what im going to do from now.. My friend, my love.. gone. Turned to one measly tub of butter. A FUCKING TUB OF BUTTER. WHO COULD EVER BE SO HEARTLESS TO DO THAT?! HE HAD SO MUCH TO LIVE FOR! NOW HE'S BUTTER? BUTTER. FUCKING STUPID. WHY ME? WHY FUCKING ME?!... And now, all i have, is the jacket. I remember it. Every single detail. Every scream, every maniac laugh from that stupid teddybear. My beloved.. gone.. Surely he loved me? Sure he did? I was watching him spinning and spinning in that tiny fucking cage. I saw him.. struggling.. as he took of his jacket and threw it out to me. The first thing i did was try to reach through the gate! I tried to reach it! But.. i couldn't. My friend Hagakure was kind enough to get it for me. I am forever thankful for that kind action..

dear diary.. (ishimondo angst)Where stories live. Discover now