Chapter 12: Panic

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Atsumu woke slowly and took a moment to realize there was someone in his bed with him. At first he was startled but then he remembered. Omi. He smiled to himself, recalling their confessions last night. He felt relieved and happy that things had worked out the way they did. Finally, after all this time. He laid there for a while, enjoying the sensation of lying next to a warm body for a change.

He took the opportunity to study Omi's sleeping face. He was on his side and Atsumu, seeing his moles, had to resist the temptation of tracing over them with his fingers. His dark hair was falling over his forehead in a messy bunch. He looked ridiculously handsome when his face was relaxed like that. Atsumu thought he could get used to waking up to such a beautiful sight.

Soon Omi opened his eyes and was surprised to find Atsumu staring at him intently. He too remembered last night and smiled at his crush. "Good morning."

"Good mornin' Omi-kun."

"How long have you been staring at me?"

"Only three hours," Atsumu joked. One side of Omi's mouth came up in a smirk.

"How do you feel today?"

Atsumu considered. "Well, I don't feel too anxious yet but I only woke up a few minutes ago, so it's hard to tell." Sakusa nodded in understanding.

"Do ya want somethin' to eat?" Atsumu asked.

"I guess, but don't trouble yourself. I can go get something if you'd like."

"Nah, I'll just make some eggs if that's okay."

"Sure," said Omi, feeling a little bit strange about Atsumu making him breakfast. It was strange but nice, he decided.

They shuffled to the kitchen where Atsumu got out the eggs. Kiyoomi said, "Please tell me you have coffee."

Atsumu looked embarrassed. "No. I'm sorry, I don't."

Omi frowned. "I am going to need coffee. I'll just run to the coffee shop and get some. While I'm out, I'll stop by my place to get some things, if that's okay. Do you want any coffee?"

Atsumu had reservations about being left alone, but it was broad daylight and he was a grown man safe in the confines of his apartment. There was nothing for him to worry about, right? So he told Omi what he wanted to drink and went about making eggs while his -- well, what were they now anyway? -- while Omi was getting coffee and some clothes.

He tried not to think about it, really he did, but the longer Omi was gone, the more worried Atsumu got. By the time Omi had been gone thirty minutes, Atsumu was having a hard time controlling his spiraling thoughts. The coffee shop was only a minute from his apartment and Omi's place was only maybe five minutes away. He should have been back by now. Did something happen to him? Is he okay? Did he get mugged? Did he change his mind about me?

As much as he tried to stay calm, his anxiety skyrocketed. He was alone. He didn't like being alone. He didn't feel safe. Where was Omi anyway? What if he never came back? What if everything from last night drove him off?

Around and around Atsumu's thoughts went until he felt panic rising in his chest. He started to take shallow breaths, despite knowing that breathing deep would help. He dropped to the floor in the kitchen and pulled his knees up with his arms around them. Within minutes, he was shaking, rocking back and forth and muttering to himself. "It's not safe. I can't do this. I don't want to be alone. I'm scared. Where is he? Is he ever coming back? What if he never comes back. I'll be alone. I don't like being alone. I'm scared."

When Kiyoomi returned about ten minutes later, he found Atsumu like this, a pitiful, muttering mess. Omi immediately dropped his bag to come to him. He knelt down in front of him on the hard kitchen floor and asked gently, "'Tsumu, what's wrong?"

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