Chapter Three

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I feel like I have to describe teh characteres in this story but I'm really bad at describing things- I'll put probably put some description or something at the end of this chapter- :,)


Creek managed to get Cooper, Biggie, Smidge, and Monika to come with him to New York surprisingly. It was night time and once they got to a hotel the plan would start from there. Biggie left Mr.Dinkles at home sadly, it was probably for the best. Most people on the plane were sleeping meanwhile Creek was still awake. He only had one thing to focus on as he looked out the airplane window which is the only reason why he's here. Once this was all over, he'd go back home and have a huge weight off of his shoulders.


After a long day, Poppy laid down on her bed, getting a call from her dad. She picked up her phone and answered it. "So, how'd your day go?" Peppy asked Poppy while on the phone.

"It was great!- Carmen even made a new friend!" Poppy replied, patting Carmen who laid next to her. "It's so nice here, but I still miss home. Satin, Barb and Chenille seem to be having a blast though.

"Don't worry, you'll be back home soon! Carmen will keep you company until then, ain't that right, Carmen?" Peppy said, Carmen barked in reply.

"I'll call you later dad, alright?" Poppy said hanging up the phone. Carmen lightly touched Poppy with her nose. "I'll be fine, it's just homesickness-- I've never really been away from there," 

Carmen tilted her head, curious. "We should get some rest for tomorrow," Poppy said. "We are probably gonna have a big day tomorrow,"

The next morning, Poppy woke up to Carmen barking at her. "I'm awake!-- I'm awake," Poppy got up from her bed and got herself ready for the day. The place the friends were staying in wasn't really a house-- it was more of a business place. It sure had everything a house would have though. 

"Good morning, Miss Kendrick!" Nadia said. "Lucky for you, we don't have much work to do for today-- so you can just enjoy yourself for now. Branch offered to show you and your friends around his family's neighborhood. Your friends are waiting for you outside,"

Poppy went down the elevator and saw her friends waiting outside for her. She hopped into the car and the driver drove off. "Does this ever get annoying?" Poppy asked Branch.

"Sometimes it may be a bit overwhelming-- but it's pretty normal now," Branch responded. 

"Just saying, I've be the biggest fan of you for the longest!" Satin said.

"No-I have! You might as well call me an air conditioner," Chenille said, smiling at her joke. "You two are both of his biggest fans, acceptable?" Barb said. "I don't feel like hearing you two argue about that again,"

"Well, we're almost there-- I can't wait until you meet my grandma. She taught me everything I know about music,"


Branch-  |'Lights up on New York's heights, up at the break of day'|

|'I wake up, and I got this little fan I've gotta chase away-'|

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