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I am so sorry for the very long wait. Here it is. Act III boys.

A new day reaches Sunny's bedroom as the sun weeps through his eyes. He wakes up while Aubrey is still cuddling with Sunny on his back. Sunny gets off and escapes the arms of Aubrey. He checks his phone. A voice message... from his mom? Sunny plays the message.

Phone: You got one new voice message. *Beep* "Hey Sunny, it's your mom! I know we really haven't talked in a while, and I really want to do some catching up. I know you joined the Army and you're going to be getting deployed to somewhere in Afghanistan, but I want to know more about what has happened recently. Go to this address if you want to talk! Bye, mommy has to go! Love you!" 

Sunny looks back at his phone and hears a wild Aubrey sneaking up behind him. She's wearing black shoes, black skirt and- his black sweater?

Aubrey: Haha, sorry I really didn't know what to wear today.

Aubrey: So I just saw your sweater in the closet, and decided to wear that.

Sunny: You look... beautiful...

Sunny gently let's his hand hold Aubrey's side face while she reaches in for the kiss. Their lips collide together in a peaceful French kiss.

Aubrey: Bad news is that we really can't do it right now...

Aubrey: But the good news is that, well bad for me,

Aubrey: We have to get to my mother's home.

Sunny: ...?

Aubrey: I know it may seem like a shocker, but I still...

Aubrey: ...kind of live there. So, my idea? 

Aubrey: I move in here until I get a proper home!

Sunny nods in agreement. Aubrey yells "yes" accidently covering her mouth afterwards.

Aubrey: Fuck, I guess the truth got exposed just now.

Aubrey: Fine, I want to live with you cause I want to wake up with you, eat with you, fuck you, etc.

Sunny: I-Its fine, I-I want tha-at as well.

Aubrey: Oh ok, good. 

Aubrey: Cause you...

Aubrey: ...and this monster dick right here is mine.

She smiles and winks. Sunny blushes and sighs deeply while covering his crotch in embarrassment.

Sunny: Le-let's-s j-u-us-t g-ge-t-t y-ou-r sh-sh-sh-i-t h-ere, you lewd du-ummy!

Aubrey laughs. Sunny walks out of his dorm and goes down the stairs to see the person behind the counter again. He waves at Sunny and sees Aubrey. The man signals Aubrey to come. He talks in a southern accent.

Man: Well I'll be damned, what beautiful girl you are huh?

Aubrey: U-uh- what?

Sunny hears the conversation. His jealousy kicks in fast. He looks down at the floor thinking bad thoughts to himself.

Man: Here look girl, I'm going to give you my number.

Sunny shakes up a bit more. Aubrey notices Sunny's panic attack and looks at the man.

Aubrey: You see that man right there?

Aubrey: Yeah, sorry.

Aubrey: He already has MY phone number.

Man: Oh really? A man like him? You serious?

Man: What is he going to do? He looks like he works in a fast food place.

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