Act II

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The sun shines onto Sunny's face once again. It's really early, around 5AM. The don't go to classes till 7AM. He wakes up with Aubrey yanking his arm back.

Aubrey: Five more minutes...

Sunny scoffs. He goes back wrapping his hands around Aubrey's waist. It isn't until Sunny gets a phone call. The phone vibrates. He looks at Aubrey's awakened green eyes.

Aubrey: Ugh, fine. Just make it quick, please.

Sunny picks up the phone. 

Kel: Sunny, I know it's early, but we need you here, now!

Sunny: ...?

Kel: Listen, just come here. Bring Aubrey if you want as well.

The phone cuts off. Sunny turns around to face Aubrey.

Aubrey: I can tell from that cute face of yours we're not gonna cuddle for longer...

Sunny nods.

Aubrey: Ugh, damn it. Where are we going?

Aubrey gets up and changes to her outfit. She takes a light pink skirt out of her backpack and a glittery-ish pink short tank top with a pink jacket, she doesn't usually bring her zipper up. Aubrey puts both of them on. Sunny puts a black tank top, a black sweater, black jeans, black shoes and white socks, with a black hat with his hair poking out. Sunny thinks to himself while seeing the top, "Give me that...". He controls himself while Aubrey notices his gaze.

Aubrey: You're staring at these two WAY too much, pervert!

Sunny rolls his eyes in embarrassment while his face is pink-red. Aubrey walks up to the boy to face him up. He's taller than her now since he became 19. She got kind of mad and jealous cause of him being tall now. Sunny and Aubrey both go for a sweet long French kiss. 

Sunny: One more...

Aubrey nods and kisses again. Sunny holds Aubrey from her waist. Once they're finished, Aubrey looks down on his core.

Aubrey: Last time...

Aubrey goes in while Sunny is ready for them to kiss once again. When they're done, they're actually done. Sunny and Aubrey face the entrance door and walk out while the boy is unlocking it. They go down the stairs, and find the motel man looking at a newspaper. Sunny starts the car from his keychain, and Aubrey opens the door to go inside and relax in the shotgun seat. Sunny checks her out one more time. She has a ponytail, with her light pink skirt, and short pink glittery tank top. Aubrey notices his gaze again, so she grabs his head and starts making out with him. After finishing, she smiles teasefully.

Aubrey: You're lucky to have a cute girl like me~. All the boys are jealous from our uni right now~.

Sunny: Y-you're so cute...

Aubrey: I can say the same to you, Mr. Handsome.

Sunny: I love it when your in that adorable ponytail...

Sunny reaches in and grabs her chin up to give her another kiss. Aubrey giggles a bit in enjoyment.

Aubrey: I love it when you're in that fucking handsome hat... It drives me so wild...

Sunny kisses her cheek then starts the car up. It drives off to the driveway. 

Aubrey: So, where are we going?

Sunny: Kel's...

Sunny drives into the street to find Kel's home. It's important to know that Kel, Hero, and their cousin Laden all live together. Sunny takes a left turn. Aubrey looks at Sunny's right side of his profile then his arms. Sunny has been working out, a LOT lately. He can at least hold onto 80 pounds for each arm. Aubrey giggles a little bit with that thought on her mind. Sunny rolls his eyes knowing what she's staring at.

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