𝙻𝚘𝚌𝚔𝚎𝚛 17

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3rd person POV
April 4th
Kuroo was just a normal 3rd year high school student,captain of Nekoma male VBC and also. A chemistry nerd.

He was preparing to practice with his team,and by doing so. He needs to change his clothes.

"Ah.. so tiring.." He mutters as he opened his locker,locker 17. He opens the locker and by his suprise.

There be saw a woman with long black hair on a low ponytail,she was wearing a black and red shirt and Nekoma PE jogging pants,sitting on her side was a black kitten. She was.. slightly.. transparent?!

"What the-" "so apparently,fish gives us docosahexaenoic acid. So back then,I was stock filled with docosahexaenoic acid! And so are you Lu-" "WHY ARE YOU IN MY LOCKER?!"

Kuroo suddenly states,the cat jumps off of the locker out if shock "Lulu! Dammit." She said with an annoyed face,she then looked at Kuroo with a questioning face

"You...? You can see me?" She asked as Kuroo sighed "Of course I can,Baka. What were you doing with my book and why are you in my locker?!" He asked as the girl looked at the book and saw the name written on the side

Kuroo Tetsuro

"You're Kuroo? This? This is your locker?" She asked "Of course it is!"

He said as the girl looked shocked and looks around nervously "You're not supposed to see me.." she whispered,sending a shiver down Kuroo's spine

"What do you mean?" Kuroo asks as the girl sighs and stuck her hand on his chest

Her hand phased through his body as he turns pale "W-What are you?!" He asked

"Out of all owners of this locker,you're the dumbest one.." she said as she pinched the bridge of her nose

"I'm a ghost,Boo!" She said which made the male jolt a little "How are you...?!" "I'm a ghost,I died here and I want revenge"

She said as the male looked at her,shocked. "What happened to you?!" Kuroo asks

"It's a long story,but I have all day. So,I'm Nanase Ryuka. I used to be a first year student here,I was r@pped and k!lled by none other than Mr Kao Ikou"

Ryuka explained "Mr Kao?! My homeroom teacher?!" "He's your homeroom teacher?!" Ryuka asked as Kuroo nods "This would make it easier.. I want revenge,I want him to suffer"

"Why can't you kill him?" "I'm not visible to him,I'm only mostly visible to owners of locker 17"

Ryuka explains "S-..so I can only see you?" "Yeah,except for dead people and urban legends. They can all see me,and I can see them! Ah! Hachi senpai!"

Ryuka exclaims as she turns to her left and haved at a woman who was approximately 8 feet tall,long black hair and wearing a fine dress and a garden hat

"A-..." Kuroo immediately slammed his hands on his mouth,stopping him from screaming "Oh? Don't worry! Hachi senpai isn't here to kill you,she's looking at someone else. Her best friend"

Ryuka said as Hachi tipped her garden hat at her and turned to the side "That's Hachishakusama!" Kuroo whispered "Yeah,but she's nice" Ryuka said with a smile

"Anyways,you know the story of locker 17?" "Yeah" "do you believe in it?" "No" "you're looking at the ghost of 17,you are so dumb"

Ryuka stated with a sigh "Anyways,can you help me? Everything will be easy for you since-.. well,damn those arms-.. I mean! It's gonna be easy!"

Ryuka explained "I really wanna help you,but uhm.. how?" "It's easy! I'll help you find my grave slash bones,dig them out, make Mr Kao admit his crime, and then he'll be sentenced to death! Easy!"

Ryuka said as Kuroo takes a deep thought "If it's that easy,then how come many people die because of this" Kuroo said

"Well,that's their fault. They promised me that they would help me,and then they'd pretend not to see and hear me. I get so furious and angry so.. I uh.. used this"

Ryuka said as she reached into her pocket and showed a sharp tipped pen.

"That's why the victims of locker 17 have a small hole on their chest" she explained,each second that Kuroo sees or hears Ryuka.

He gets terrified,but this time. He felt pity and wanted to help her. Ryuka has gone through alot,knowing that the cause was his homeroom teacher.

He was given this chance to help a soul rest,and his soul would begone if he disagrees

"I'll help you" he said as Ryuka's eyes shimmered "Really?!" "Did I stutter? I feel bad,I'll help your soul rest"

Kuroo said as Ryuka was about to hug him but she just phased through him

"Oh-! Well... Oopsie my bad" she said as she scratched her neck as laughed "Okay,wait" Kuroo said as he took out his phone "Who's that?" Ryuka asked "I'm gonna pretend to talk to someone on the phone"

He said with a wink,Ryuka smiled and nods. "Okay,first one is to find your thingy right?" Kuroo asked "Mhm! My grave! I think it's around... The school campus.."

She said as she looked around "Aha! Follow me!" She said as she runs forward,I followed her and she stops. I stopped my tracks and she looks at me

"Ah! By the way,you're stepping on my boobs" Ryuka said as Kuroo took a second to process what she just said and immediately walked backwards "Sorry" he said

"And now you're stepping on my tits" Ryuka points out again and now,Kuroo walked to his left "Alright! So that's my grave! dig it out,tell the police so that they can investigate Mr Kao and I'll finally rest"

I can't believe that this is real..

I'm finally going to be able to rest properly

𝕾𝖊𝖈𝖗𝖊𝖙𝖘 𝖔𝖋 𝖑𝖔𝖈𝖐𝖊𝖗 17 [𝙺𝚞𝚛𝚘𝚘 𝚃𝚎𝚝𝚜𝚞𝚛𝚘 𝚇 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛]Where stories live. Discover now