𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚙𝚕𝚊𝚗 𝚒𝚜 𝚜𝚒𝚖𝚙𝚕𝚎,𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝚢𝚎𝚝 𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚍

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"Have you had.. any past relationships?" Kuroo asked Ryuka as she smiled "What do you mean?" "Have you had a boyfriend before?"

"Well.. yeah,to be honest.. I don't know where he left,but all I know... Is that I do have one,until I died.."

Ryuka said as she looked out the window and Kuroo looks at her shocked "You're still dating him.. you haven't broke up with him!"

"Yeah,he thinks I've gone missing. I'm glad that's what everyone thinks but.. I'll never be coming home,even if I want to" Ryuka said as she leaned her back on the wall

"I'm still in love with him,though I'm sure he's found someone else" Ryuka said as she side glances at the window

"If he doesn't.. and you get a chance to live.. will you get back with him?" "That's an easy question. Yeah,I would. I loved him,and he loved me"

Ryuka said with a huge smile on her face,but her tone... It was sad.. but she was happy

"If he doesn't like me back,I'll take that. I know someone who'd choose me anyways" Ryuka said as Kuroo looked at her with shock

Kuroo walks close to her "Who?" Kuroo asked as she giggled and looked at him "Kuroo. You'd choose me, wouldn't you?"

She asked as Kuroo blushed lightly "Stupid of me to ask. Mmh... What's that smell?" Ryuka asked

"*Gasp* Pork curry!" They both shouted at they raced downstairs

Ryuka simply phased through the floor to the kitchen while Kuroo ran down the stairs and fell down on the last step

"Itae itae.." Kuroo mutters "Pfft- Poor little immortal" Ryuka said as they both cherished the aroma of Pork curry along with Tracy "Pork curry.." Kuroo said

He was still laying on his stomach on the cold floor "Get up!" Ryuka told him as he immediately gets up

"Enjoy the aroma kids,this is obviously not gonna last till morning so I'm making lots"

Tina said as Ryuka,Tracy and Kuroo's mouth were drooling "I swear if any of you drool on the floor,you're licking it clean"

Tina said as they both stopped drooling "Lmao,savage Tina nii Chan" Ryuka said as she crossed her arms

Kuroo smiled at the ghost,noticing that she was taller than his sister. "Kuroo nii Chan,when are you gonna get a girlfriend? Tina nee Chan has a boyfriend already"

Tracy asked as Kuroo blushed as Ryuka laughs "Ha? Who said I have a boyfriend? We broke up 2 days ago,turns out he's been cheating on me for 2 weeks with 2 girls"

Tina said as Ryuka looked at her "Damn,that hurt" Ryuka said as she then turned her gaze to Kuroo "I don't think I'll be getting a girlfriend anytime soon"

Kuroo said "What do you mean? You're literally the ideal type of every girl" Tina said as Ryuka agreed

"Well I want a girl who doesn't like me for my looks" "Understandable,you'll stay single for the rest of eternity"

"What?! I'll bring home a girl! Just you wait!" Kuroo exclaims "I'll wait,I can wait for a decade" Ryuka said as Kuroo turned pale

"Better luck next life,mate" Tina said as Ryuka giggled at her statement "Well,give me the characteristics of a girl that I'll date"

Kuroo said as Tina closed the lid of her cooking and faced Kuroo "Hmm... I want someone who'd definitely make you live 10 extra years" Tina said

"Someone,tall I guess? Oh! Someone who'd get along with all of us!" Tracy said as she rolled on the sofa

"Dunno,maybe would actually like you" "Y'all are terrible" Kuroo said with an annoyed face,Ryuka was just enjoying the scene "We know" Tina and Tracy said as Ryik bursts in laughing

"I'll go back in my room" "Sure,go ahead Tum-tim" "I hate that name" Kuroo mutters as he goes upstairs and Ryuka floats to his room

"That was a scene! I swear Lulu! It was hilarious!" "I know you're talking about me" Kuroo said as he entered his room and sat down

"Yep,also! I've figured out a plan on sneaking and digging my grave" Ryuka said as Kuroo closed the door and locked it

"Alright,go ahead" Kuroo said as Ryuka nods and sat on his bed "We sneak in at 11,so we should arrive there at 11:40 or something.

Means that the school is locked,so we'll be climbing the gates. And then the gardening club has shovels,use that to dig my grave. Take pictures,and undug the grave.

We'll probably arrive at 1 am or something. Then next day,it's Saturday so we call the police and show them the photos, they'll investigate and also interrogate the teachers. And me,I'll make sure that Mr Kao would admit"

Ryuka explained as Kuroo stuffed all the knowledge inside his head

"There will be no CCTVs so we'll be safe,if they ask you how did you find it. Tell them you had a vision and was asked to plant something on the place until you found a bone and dug it up"

Ryuka adds as Kuroo nods "This might look easy but it can also be harder than a rock,that's why I'm here to help you help me"

Ryuka said as Kuroo smiled and nods "If Mr Kao was sentenced as guilty,then my job here is done and I'll be able to finally meet my father in heaven"

Ryuka adds as Kuroo looked at her with shock "What?" "Nothing,I just remembered something"

"I see,well.. I might not be able to tell my family goodbye and tell my boyfriend I love him,I'm sure that they know I'll keep them in my heart"

With that,tears started flowing down Ryuka's eyes. Kuroo held the tears back,and tried to look unaffected of her leaving.

He's never had this much attachment to a ghost as much as he had with Ryuka,although she'll have to rest

"Alright,let's wait till 11" Kuroo said,standing up and opening his wardrobe "Whatcha doing?" Ryuka asked "Looking for a black hoodie,so I won't be recognized"

Kuroo said as he pulled out a black hoodie with a small white '👻' logo on the top left "Aww,Cute!"

"Tracy picked this for me,she's got a weird addiction to emoji designed clothes" Kuroo said with a little chuckle "Y'know what,that's pretty valid" Ryuka said as Kuroo smiled

"Face mask..." Kuroo said as he folded the clothes and placed them on his study desk,he took out a black face mask and placed it on the clothes

"Alrighty kitten! I've stayed too long on this world,it's time for me to leave!" "Mission take ghost best friend to heaven is a go!"

I might not show it enough..

But I don't wanna leave you behind.

I don't wanna leave.. my immortal friend..

I'll be watching from above,my friend

Let me rephrase that..

I'll be watching above,my love

I loved you,but the world didn't want me to.

𝒯𝒽ℯ 𝓌ℴ𝓇𝓁𝒹 𝒾𝓈 𝓉ℴℴ 𝒸𝓇𝓊ℯ𝓁

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