𝐋 𝚝𝚘 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝐎 𝚝𝚘 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝐕 𝚝𝚘 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝐄

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"Alrighty! I'm bored,what do you wanna do?" Ryuka asked Lulu and Hachi "You have not fully explored this school,I would recommend you to look around"

Hachi suggests as Ryuka snapped her fingers "Right! It'll only take a quick sec! Stay here guys,also you kitty!"

Ryuka tells the two as she turned around and saw...

N-...Nikau.. Naomi?!

You saw her,she had her hair dyed pink.. like what she's dreamt of each day you talk to each other

"Naomi San..!" Ryuka said under her breath as she was running to her but was stopped by her words..

"Kuroo San! Can I talk to you?"

Excuse me what?!

I stopped my tracks and turned around to make sure that not Hachi or Lulu was looking at me

"Sure,one sec guys" Kuroo said as my eyes widened. Why am I reacting like this?! Am I out of my mind?!

Kuroo walks to Naomi and she immediately grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the gym

Shit.. what?! What do I do?! Why am I acting like this? Why am I like this? Ah shit. Fuck it. I'm checking out what's going on...

Ryuka immediately takes a deep breath and ran and phased through the wall to find something.. she didn't expect..

"Ah,don't you think it's a little hot this summer?" Naomi said in a lightly seductive tone as she unbottons a few of her uniform,revealing some of her chest

"Naomi stop,please. Don't pull yourself down to get to me. I don't like you" "I do,and I'm not pulling myself down. I'm bringing myself up"

Ryuka didn't know why but she became furious,the way that Naomi touched Kuroo

She was getting furious until...

She remembered a thing she could do.. only for a certain amount of time though

Ryuka's eyes widened and ran into the hallway near the gym.

She could transform into a student,she could pretend that she's a normal high school girl.

She immediately used the spell Hachi taught her and turned herself into a human

She was wearing her same clothes but it was cleaner and didn't have blood stains on the shirt.

She smirked at herself and arranged her glasses,at this form. She looked 58.6% different from her true form but her voice was the same.

She walked down the hallway into where Kuroo and Naomi was with a smile

"Tetsu kun~! Sorry I'm late-.." Ryuka pretended that she was shocked "Tetsuro who's this?!" Ryuka asked as Naomi looked at Kuroo,Ryuka winked signalling him to play along

"What is this?! You're cheating on Ryuka Naika. Your cheating on me!" Ryuka said as Kuroo caught her point and played along

"Babe this is a huge huge misunderstanding!" "So I'm blind? And who in hell are you?!"

Ryuka said das she charged at Naomi but Kuroo held her back and slightly caressed her arm

"You're.. Ryuka?... I mean-.. you're Kuroo's girlfriend?" Naomi asked "Yeah,you have a problem? We could deal with tha-" "Babe calm down"

Kuroo said as Ryuka sighed.

Everything's going to plan..

"Your name is Ryuka right?" "Yeah" Ryuka said "I.." "Kuroo please leave it to us" "I'm staying,I know how violent you can get"

Kuroo said as Ryuka looked at Naomi "I had a friend,her name was also Ryuka.. Ryuka Nanase.. she went missing" "Oh dear.. I'm sorry..."

Ryuka said,worried for real, about Naomi "Yeah.. I remember always telling her that when I dye my hair pink, she'd bleach hers and one of my other friends would dye purple streaks"

Naomi said as Ryuka smiled and placed a hand on her shoulder "I'm sure she's watching you and is happy to see you right now"

Ryuka said as Naomi smiled "I'm sorry about how I acted earlier,Ryuka San,Kuroo San.. I'm sorry.."

Naomi said as she left,Ryuka made sure she was really gone and finally changed back to ghost "ah man.. thank goodness you caught my point!"

Ryuka said as soon as she turned back to ghost form "I would've punched you in the face" she adds as she floats in the air

"Oi,rooster." "Y-..yeah?" Kuroo asked nervously and with a hint of pink on his cheeks "This is payment to what I owe you,for.. for agreeing to y'know... Help me"

Ryuka said,turning to the other side to hide her reaction

"Also you went overboard with that PDA thing." "I thought it'd be more convincing" Kuroo said as she looks at him with an annoyed face

"PDA is more convincing" "Alright. Get back to practice,Mr PDA equals dating." Ryuka said as she tries to push him but just phased through him "Alright this is stupid."

Ryuka said as Kuroo laughs.

Ryuka didn't know why but she had the urge to smile and laugh as well with what happened "I didn't know what I'd expect,by the way. Are there CCTVs?"

"Nope, definitely none" "Oh yeah,I remember" Ryuka says as Kuroo entered the gym and Ryuka trailed behind him

"Hachi senpai!" Ryuka said as Kuroo looked at the ghost at the corner of his eye and smiled

"Nanase San,did you see the full school?" Hachi asks "No.. but it's fine,I don't have to! I'm sure there would only be very little changes ever since I died!"

Ryuka said as Lulu meowed and looked at Kuroo "What do you mean that Nanase and Kuroo have a chemistry? Lulu you're spitting nonsense,immortals will never fall in love with mortals"

Hachi said as Ryuka's chest felt something "Although for vampires,it could be possible" Hachi adds but Ryuka was too busy with things she's thinking in her mind

Mortals and.. immortals.. no love?

What is this feeling when I'm with Kuroo.. I've never felt it. And.. I don't want it to go away

But.. does he feel the same?

This sounds impossible but...
I'm inlove with.. someone I can't be with..

Love at first sight..

𝕾𝖊𝖈𝖗𝖊𝖙𝖘 𝖔𝖋 𝖑𝖔𝖈𝖐𝖊𝖗 17 [𝙺𝚞𝚛𝚘𝚘 𝚃𝚎𝚝𝚜𝚞𝚛𝚘 𝚇 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛]Where stories live. Discover now