"The Nice Guy"

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Kyoka and Itsuka looked completely and utterly shocked. Was he.... offering them something to eat? Why....?

"Y-You're.... n-not going to h-hurt us, right?" Kyoka stammered, she cursed herself for not being able to keep her composer in front of someone who was capable of taking on three people by himself.

"No, that would defeat the purpose of me fighting those guys earlier." He looked at them with his bored look and still saw a hint of distrust in their eyes as the nekos just stared at him. He sighed. "If I wanted to hurt anyone in here, right now, I would've done so already. Trust me."

Itsuka was the first reach for one of the sandwiches on the platter. She snatched it and took a quick bite. Her eyes immediately lightened up and she practically scarfed it down faster than a hippo would choose homicide on a human. And that's saying something.

Itsuka looked at Kyoka. "You should really try one."

Kyoka slightly blushed seeing Itsuka being very happy for once. Kyoka took one herself and took a bite out of it. "Wow... its amazing"

The guy scratched the back of his head. "Glad you like it. Would you mind telling me your names?"

Itsuka looked up at him. "I-I mean it's the least we can do for wh-what you did for us... I'm Itsuka Kendo."

"A-And I'm Kyoka Jiro. What's your name?" Kyoka immediately slapped her hands over her mouth. "Sorry... forget I asked..." She whispered.

"No need to worry about it, My name's Izuku. Just Izuku for now." The boy replied as the two Nekos continued to eat and eventually began drinking the coffee that was there.

Izuku looked around the warehouse whilst he sat. "You guys have been here awhile haven't you."

Kyoka looked up at him. "Y-Yea.... our wh-whole life kinda..." Kyoka still couldn't grasp the understanding on why this boy was being so nice to them. They are just Nekos.... things that are used for slavery. She wanted to ask why but she was far too scared, she only found it best to answer his questions as of right now.

As for Itsuka, she didn't really want to bother the boy with the many questions she currently has. She'll wait for a later date. Or at least that is what she is currently thinking at the time. Itsuka was the more courageous one of the two Nekos.

Izuku rolled up his right sleeve slightly and looked down at his watch. "Looks like I got to go." He said getting up.

"O-Oh ok." Kyoka replied.

"Bye." Itsuka responded but opened her mouth to say something else. "Will you come


Izuku thought for a minute. "Yea I'll most likely be back later on today." He said while turning around and walking out of the warehouse and closing the larger door behind him.

The two nekos looked at eachother with smiles creeping on their faces. There's actually people who will treat them like humans out there...

"That was... something..." Kyoka said with a smile still crept on her face.

"It was. I have never seen someone so..." Itsuka stopped.

"S-So nice and caring. I...It kinda seems too good to be true ya know?" Kyoka said as she wrapped her arms around her legs and the smile dropped from her face. "What if he is lying....? Or trying to trick us?"

Itsuka thought for a moment to think about what Kyoka was saying before answering. " I mean, for one he killed his own kind to help us which is good... but what is bad... is that he is willing to kill his own kind to help us...and I don't really know how I feel about actually killing people. Even if they might deserve it. I'm not saying he is not a good guy when he is not... ya know." Itsuka stopped for a bit before continuing. "I don't really trust him, not yet at least."

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