Chapter 50

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After a week filled with bustling servants cleaning every inch of the massive house from top to bottom and moving things to and fro to set up decorations, finally, the day of the big event had arrived, and Edward had to admit, he was rather looking forward to the party. He had seen how happy it had made his darling Elizabeth, and after everything they'd been through, having this dance seemed to make their engagement official, at least outwardly. Besides that, he and Elizabeth had the honor of the first dance, and he couldn't deny that he was eager to dance with her, to have her in his arms, even if a room full of gazes would be locked onto them.

It was mid-morning, and Edward was still seated in the breakfast room, seeing as the parlor, as well as the library, had been claimed for tonight's festivities. Matthew had arrived the evening before, and his good friend had remained at the table with him after the morning meal, to catch up.

"So, are you quite ready for this dance, Stanton?" Matthew asked with a grin.

Edward glanced up from the newspaper he was reading and gave his friend a half smirk, half grin, "Yes, I do believe so; can't say I'd mind a few dances with my beloved."

Matthew chuckled and winked at his friend, "I don't suppose I'd mind a dance or two with her, myself."

Edward leveled a sarcastic look at him. "I'm quite sure you wouldn't."

Matthew smiled, "Yes, well, I do say the both of you are overdue for some good fun. William will be attending, correct?"

Edward nodded, "Yes, he is to arrive this afternoon. I believe he will be staying for a few days; he wants to have some time to become acquainted with Elizabeth before he leaves again."

"Excellent. Are you going to be taking your bride back to Richmond, then?"

"We may have to live there for a short while, until William finishes with the university. I have expressed to Mr. Montgomery my interest in learning to oversee the estate and farm, and he was rather ecstatic to hear that I would want to work here and eventually take over for him."

Matthew's lips curved up, "And I'm quite sure that the prospect of you bringing his dear, sweet daughter back here to live near him had very little to do with his excitement."

Edward snorted and smirked, "Quite."

An affable silence settled over the two comrades. After a while, Edward spoke, "So, my friend, what of your relationship with my lovely soon to be sister in-law? Will you soon be speaking with Mr. Montgomery yourself?" Edward fixed him with a slightly mocking grin.

Matthew's cheeks darkened a bit as he answered, "No, not just yet. As of right now, we are simply enjoying one another's company."

Edward lifted an eyebrow. "Do you mean to tell me that you won't be jealous if she has many dashing partners tonight?"

As he watched his friend's face, Edward couldn't help but be deeply amused by the response that he found there. Matthew seemed to be contemplating his question, perhaps even visualizing it, and he swallowed hard.

"I... Of course I wouldn't be... jealous of such a thing," Matthew stammered. "Amelia is a very social creature, and exceedingly beautiful... I would fully expect that she should have many opportunities to dance. And what of you and your exquisite fiancée... you know well that I was joshing you earlier about dancing with her, but what will you think of your dark haired beauty dancing with other handsome young dandies?"

Edward laughed and replied, "Any half-witted eligible man there will take notice of her, to be sure, and I know that many will dance with her quite heartily. But I will not be jealous, for two reasons: the first being that there will be no other man in the room able to match me in aesthetic and charm, not even you, my friend," he smirked and chuckled at Matthew, "and the other being that I know as she dances with those dandies, she will be thinking of me, and at the end of this night, she will still be mine, of that I am certain."

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