Chapter 9

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Just after luncheon, Edward waited outside the stables for Elizabeth to meet him for their horseback ride. Two of the finest mounts were saddled and ready for their departure. Edward had asked Mr. Montgomery's permission to take Elizabeth riding, and though he seemed surprised, he didn't resist. Edward was glad for that, seeing as nobody else would be accompanying them. Amelia hadn't had any interest in going, and Matthew had said that he'd rather stay in after the long ride yesterday. For whatever reason, Mr. Montgomery seemed to trust him with Elizabeth, which was comforting.

Elizabeth approached him looking lovely in a modern riding habit with a divided skirt, designed for riding traditionally, instead of side-saddle. She looked so elegant in the high collared neckline and form-fitting jacket, with her wavy dark hair loosely wrapped upon her head.

Edward greeted her, "You look lovely, Elizabeth. May I help you mount your horse?"

She blushed slightly and smiled back at him. "Yes, please."

She moved to stand beside him and Edward realized just how petite she was. Her head barely reached his shoulder. Edward took hold of her small waist and lifted her easily. She swung her right leg over the horse's back and grabbed hold of the reins. He thought she looked so regal perched there, atop the sleek animal's back. Edward swung himself up into the saddle of his horse, and they were ready for the leisurely afternoon ride.

They started off down the dirt pathway, walking their horses side by side. Edward glanced over at Elizabeth. She looked quite comfortable in the saddle, relaxed and confident.

"I know a place with a beautiful view that I'm sure you'll want to see," she said.

"I can't imagine that it's any better than the view I have right now," he said with a grin.

Elizabeth blushed and said playfully, "My, you are full of compliments today, Mr. Stanton."

"I only say what I mean, Miss Montgomery," he returned jovially.

"Surely you tease me, Edward," Elizabeth said, trying to hide a smile.

"I assure you, Elizabeth, I am not teasing you. I wouldn't dare," Edward said with a sly grin.

Elizabeth threw her head back and laughed. "I find that quite hard to believe, with that devilish, yet handsome grin on your face," she giggled again, "It's the very same one I wanted to wipe off of your face that first day I saw you."

"Handsome, eh? If that's the case, I will have that very grin on my face every time I see you. I hope this means that you have changed your opinion of it?" Edward felt excitement welling up inside at her compliment.

Elizabeth simply smiled, cutting her eyes sideways at him, and shook her head playfully.

They continued, steering the horses along the dirt pathway. As they ventured farther from the house, more fields could be seen, some being plowed, some left alone with only grass growing, which would later be cut for hay for the livestock to eat through the winter.

"So," Elizabeth spoke up, "do your father and brother share your belief in the Lord?"

Edward's countenance fell slightly. "William does, yes. My father does not, however. He's a hard man, Elizabeth. I don't know what he went through growing up, but he has always been callous. I have a few vague memories of my mother teaching me Bible stories, but our nanny, Sofia, picked up where our mother left off, training up William and myself in the ways of the Lord. I'm ever so grateful to her for that. I fear without God I would have fallen right into my father's footsteps."

"It's true we are capable of much destruction without God's guidance; however, from what I can tell, you don't seem to be like your father at all, based on what you've said. But don't ever give up praying for him. He could change his mind about the Lord one day."

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