18| All For One Bag

322 16 75

TW: Mentions Abuse


Once the doctors finally checked Mika, they continuously reassured me that he had no severe injuries or internal bleeding. Giant waves of relief washed over me, and the worried breathe I had been holding all day was released.

I promised myself I'd never put anyone else before myself again, but Mika made it immensely difficult. One look into his timid brown eyes was all it took to reduce you into a puddle of emotions.

I had this desire to protect him... strange thing was I didn't want it to go away.

The doctors were really great, considering how overworked they looked. They made Mika laugh and surprisingly even me. I guess the phrase is true, for every terrible person you meet in your lifetime, you'll meet a thousand great ones.

Anyway, the doctors advised that he gets plenty of bed rest and some antibiotics for the pain. As soon as the doctors left, it felt like he was getting ready to leave. His small shuffles alerted me to what he was trying to do. Without any hesitation, I asked Mika if he wanted to live with me. For me, it was important to give him a choice.

If he didn't want to, I would've helped him find somewhere for himself. I still had the rest of my money that I hadn't touched since starting the speakeasy. Let's just say we make a lot every night.

Mika didn't hesitate for even a second before giving an answer. A small nod was followed by a waterfall of happy tears that could make any cold heart melt.

I know mine did.

Once we reached my apartment it was a real struggle to get him to eat and even more to get him into bed. Surprisingly, Mika kept insisting he'd sleep on the sofa. I knew that would never be an option. Imagine making an injured person sleep uncomfortably. Back home, my papa always taught me the importance of valuing your guests. His words still echo in my mind.

' We must treat them as if our home was their home.'

The final compromise was that we would share my bed. When we eventually got comfortable, I cautiously asked Mika about his parents. He broke down into a million inconsolable pieces. It's almost as if I stepped on a landmine. Mika sobbed as he revealed that his parents hurt him physically.

I wanted to hurt them like they hurt him.

No one deserves pain, especially from your own parents. I never understood how parents could hurt their own children. My anger was a piece of dynamite at this point but I held it in because I didn't want to scare Mika.

He carried on explaining that he needed to go back for some bag. I didn't understand the need for a replaceable bag. I'd buy him a thousand if he wanted but I quickly realised that there must have been a sentimental reason for him wanting it.

That night I didn't push him further as we both fell asleep tangled up together. But there was one burning thing on my mind.

I had to get it

The tiny boy's tears acted as my fuel.

That brings me as to why I'm currently sitting next to Aleksandr. Our proximity is killing me softly. I can almost feel his scorching body heat. Those pesky cab drivers had to ignore me, now the man I've been purposefully ignoring is right in front of me.

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