15| Imagine You Naked

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A/N: Smut warning


I'm freaking out. There's only one thing to blame.

Icky Numbers.

I despise numbers. My biggest weakness in the entire world is maths. Hatred for it burns deep within me. It probably originated from the fact a teacher humiliated me when I got a sum wrong. I was only seven! Lets just say my papa fought for me, after that day she never even looked in my direction.

Anyway my daily breakdown today is because of the speakeasy accounts. All my papers and laptop are sprawled across my bed, resembling the state of my confused brain. These numbers don't make any sense. I definitely need to hire an accountant.

It's taken a tortuous couple of hours to make sense of but my brain can't take anymore. I quickly put all my work away in the correct cabinets.

I proceed to lay down on my bed with the sole intention of giving myself a reward. Maybe scrolling through my phone for a couple of hours.

No new calls

It's expected. I don't really know anyone here. Mika apparently doesn't have a phone which was shocking at first. I prodded him further and he claimed it was because he hates social interaction. My brain wouldn't allow me to believe it but I didn't press him further.

I'm sure he'll open up more eventually.

Anyway, I made the mistake of giving Aleksander my number. I definitely should have took his instead. A couple days have passed and he still hasn't called. It makes me wonder whether he's all talk and no action.

What if he's gone back to his ex? I find myself pouting at that. He can't just lead me on and leave me. That isn't right. Yikes I sound really desperate. I can't help it, I haven't felt warmth of another for such a long time.

I've been secretly hoping for a call or even a message from Aleksander. I don't exactly know my reasoning . I've lost all brain power regarding that man.

Maybe it's the way he touches me.

My thigh has never received that much attention before. It felt hot and wondrous. I desperately wanted him to explore further. In that moment my tongue desperately craved to whisper the words...

Touch me more.

But my brain ruins everything. Every damn time.

My parents have always taught me that sex is a beautiful and loving thing with consent. I don't know if it's weird to say I miss it. The touches, kisses and warmth.

Those things could easily be within my palm. All I have to say is yes but why is it so hard to open myself up again. To allow someone to try to touch my heart.

My poor fragile heart.

It's been working overtime, ever since meeting Aleksandr.

Speak of the devil and he shall appear. He's finally calling me. I can't help but smile, in a room by myself. Never in a million years would I have predicted these new emotions. It's creepy but I don't care at all. Showing absolutely no hesitation, I answer straight away.

I'm laying on my stomach, elbows firmly on the bed as I cup my cheeks. Patiently waiting for him to speak first.

His voice is chirpy as he greets me, " Hey Angel, how are you?"

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