25| Globe Trotting

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I stare out of the floor to ceiling windows in my bedroom. The bright blue sky and fluffy clouds would make anyone happy but not me. They're annoying me for some odd reason. It's going to be a glorious sunny day but all I want to do is break something.

I'm pissed of if you can't tell already.

My reason, we'll it's actually quite simple. I'm a person who thrives of attention. So much that if a person simply looks in my direction, I turn into a giddy, pathetic mess. It's a terrible personality trait that I've tried to get rid of but it seems impossible.

Receiving attention is like getting chocolate for me. Unfortunately, it's something I've recently been lacking all because of one infuriatingly sexy individual.

Let me tell you it's been a week now and Aleksander hasn't even had the decency to visit or even call me once. So I bit the bullet and called him. The call went straight to voice mail and he didn't even bother to contact me after.

I've come to the realisation that I know literally nothing about him. He could be a serial killer for all I know and I let him touch me like that. I let him do heavenly things to my body.


I feel silly for continuing to think about him when he's clearly not even sparing me a second thought.

My thoughts are interrupted by the buzz of my phone. I quickly pick it up, slowly making my way to the living room so Mika doesn't wake up. It's an unknown number so I remain silent until they speak. I've made the mistake of recklessly giving away my location before.

"Angelo Valentino La Costa.."

The loud familiar voice of my best friend Lorenzo greats me.

How should I describe him? He's the type of man you'd want to bring home to your parents. A smoking hot billionaire with a heart of gold. But he has this darker desire to dominate that would most certainly make him far from the the ideal son in law. I had learnt about it the hard way when I accidentally walked in on him. Worst day of my life, the image is still burned into my fragile mind.

It never ceases to shock me that he's single

"Don't tell me hearing my voice has put you in an early grave," he teases, the familiar sound of his laughter taking me back to happier times.

Lorenzo carries on, "I remember you promising to call once you were settled."

I wanted to tell him the truth. So many things have happened at once. I enrolled in university, attempting to follow my dreams and build a future for myself.

Now I attend lessons like a good little student whilst running the business of my dreams. I've met people that make me rethink the whole no more friendship idea in my head. Oh and best for last, there's a boy, no man who makes my insides twist and turn. He makes me breathless, hot and red. All at once without any sort of mistake.

I think I'll settle for the easier option.

"I've been busy."

He scoffs. " I know exactly what you've been doing, your body double has been prancing around Europe."

I can't help but giggle at his dramatic tone. My double is someone I met in Spain a couple of months after running away from home. He really did help me smile again, Lorenzo started calling us twins because of how similar we looked. That's why I hired him to pretend to be me to lead people on a wild goose chase.

"Don't laugh," he warns with amusement in his tone. "I'll tell you about all the trouble he's caused and then you won't be laughing."

"What?" I question with deep curiosity. I've been paying my decoy heavily so he must have gotten up-to some mischief.

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