22| Not As Delicious As You

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He came for me like I mattered.

He held me tighter than tight.

Everything was perfect like you would read in those sickly sweet romance books. My papa often told us stories, from mystical kingdoms to magnificent empires. It blew my mind as a child but one thing was always clear. I'd do without the handsome saviour. My toughness acted as my armour and in my mind, I was my own hero. Yet, I secretly yearned for someone to love me passionately and protect me from everything.

Everything was a blur, right up until the moment I woke up to him caressing my hair. It felt amazing. Gentle fingers played with me like I was worth more than my mind told me. I felt vulnerable but fearless at the same time. My confidence vanished when he quizzed me on whether I enjoyed it.

Of course, I did, who wouldn't. I secretly didn't want the night to end. Waves of relief washed over me when he said we were going to eat.

I'm sat with him in a small booth in the tiny but cosy restaurant. He's staring at me like I'm food. I didn't think he would come to a place like this. To my surprise, he called people by their names.   Is this all an act to win me over? A thousand thoughts swirl violently in my mind. It wouldn't be the first time, someone pretended to be something they're not.

I wouldn't fall for it, never again. Any red flags and I'm out, I'll be on the opposite side of the world. Some may call me extreme but I've felt pain no one should.

My thoughts are interrupted by a small lady. Her brown hair is tied into a messy bun, complimenting her flower apron. She speedily runs towards us, more specifically Aleksander. Her arms wrap around him pulling him into a tight hug.

The warm air surrounding her gave me flashbacks to my Nonna. I wonder how she's doing, she must be heartbroken I left so abruptly. One of the biggest things I regret is not saying goodbye to her.

"You silly boy, why did you come after such a long time," the older women lectures Aleksander in an angry tone. But she's too sweet to actually sound like she means it.

Aleksander actually looks remorseful for some reason, "Work is really tense nowadays."

"Say no more, I completely understand." She nods, adding, "Don't overwork yourself, now who is this beauty?"

Her head tilts in my direction. She's surprisingly talking about me. Before I can answer, Aleksandr opens his stupid mouth.

"My Angel."

Sending him a small glare, I correct him, " It's actually Angelo."

I reach my hand out to shake hers but she pulls me into a warm hug. Something that I haven't had the strength to do for a long time. Hugging and any type of physical contact became repulsive for such a long time. The thought of my skin touching another's sent shockwaves throughout my body. The first few times Lorenzo attempted to comfort me, ended with me violently vomiting. Let's just say I pulled through.

However, the same doesn't apply to strangers. That's why it shocked me that when Aleksander touched me I didn't react in the same way, Lately, I've been crossing boundaries I didn't even know I could.

"Sit down sweetheart," she gently orders me as Alexander chuckles. "Order anything you like."

"Hana, Alfie burned the dumplings again!" A waiter shouts from the kitchen.

"I'll see you later boys, duty calls."

She leaves quicker than she arrived into the bustling kitchen.  An upbeat melody fills the joyous restaurant. As tantalising smells invade every inch of my nostrils, rich and spicy, silky and sweet, adventurous and sour. I'm left alone with a packed full menu and Aleksander staring into my soul.

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