Chapter One

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The club's techno beat music blared in my sensitive ears, I still couldn't get used to it after all these years.

I pushed my way through the writhing, gyrating bodies. Hurrying to the smooth mahogany door that stood a few feet away.

My pale hand grasped the knob of the door and pushed inside. There stood Aegeus Harmoney, my sire.

He struck his dark eyes upon my form, forgetting the piles of paper that crowded his desk. "Icarus, why are you wondering on your own? You know I don't allow that."

I groaned, brushing my white hair out of my eyes. "I'm old enough to be on my own, I don't need Kallex or Baine following me around everywhere."

Aegeus stood from his desk in a precise, fluid motion. "No, you are not old enough yet. You are a newborn and to delicate to be off on your own." He sighed and casually walked over to me. "Your features are to noticeable, to perfect to be real" he cupped my cheeks in his thick hands, "and you will stay this way."

He released my cheeks and turned around. "You're only 98 years old, until you hit your 200th birthday you can not be off on your own."

"But sir!" I cried,
"no! I don't want to hear anymore about this matter Icarus."

I bit my lip to stop myself from speaking."Now, what did you want to ask me?"

"I wanted to know if I could go hunting tonight with you guys."

"I think you already know the answer to that question." He spoke without looking up from his paperwork. "Go find Kallex or else I'm going to send you back to the estate early."

His word was final, so I turned on my heel and left as quickly as I came. I leaned against the door in defeat, another epic fail.

I used my nose and keen eyesight to sniff out Kallex, I knew I found him when I spotted bright red hair.

"He little guy" he teased, ruffling my hair, "what'd the big guy say."

I huffed crossing my arms, "he said no, again."
" Oh don't be so down he was like this with everyone."

I threw my hands up in the air in exasperation, "he let you guys hunt when you were 100, he told me 200." Kallex smiled down at me, "it's because you are so little and very very pretty, he's only doing this to protect you."

"I know" I sighed, "but still, it's a little much."

"Come on, let's have some fun before you get sent back,"Kallex spoke cheerfully.

"Nah, I think I'm just going to sit at the bar with Baine" I replied.

"Whatever you say little man," Kallex grinned and ruffled my hair again. I rolled my eyes and started walking up to the bar.

I could feel hundreds of eyes on my form, I didn't think much of my features. I am about 5'9 which was pretty tall for a human, but compared to other vampires I was short. I had light skin that held a goldish hue. My body was like a soccer players' lean and lithe. My hair was white, and stuck up in a messy disarray. My eyes were a gentle pale green that flashed a deep black when I was angry.

I sauntered my way up to the bar and took a seat. Baine was bar tending not to far off. I sighed, pushing my hands up and over my face and through my hair.

Then I smelt something, no someone. My whole body tensed up. My instincts flaring up. I jerked my head up, raising my nose in the air.

I felt a prescience behind me, I locked my eyes to the table.

My body started to shake uncontrollably from the sheer power that radiated off of this person,only one type of creature has that kind of power.....Master Vampire.

I booked it.

I jumped off of my stool and raced my way to the back door that led out into the cooling night.

I slammed my hands into the wall. breathing heavily, the power was too much. I just needed to breathe.

That was a close call, I could've been taken. Deep breaths Icarus deep breaths I kept chanting in my head.

I sensed his form too late, thick muscles wrapped around my waist. Large hands dug into my sides, squeezing and releasing the flesh that laid there.

My breath caught in my throat, my whole body tensed up, and I froze.

I felt him move behind me, getting closer.

Then he jammed his nose in the side of my neck, taking a long, deep breath.

"You're mine now beautiful"

His Master Vampire (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now