Chapter Six

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Lucas to the side-->

Icarus POV

I woke up in the middle of the day to strong arms pulling me. My eyes fluttered open and looked up at Zaikai's face. He had one arm around my torso and the other pulling me on top of him. My eyes opened wider when I felt the sun beating down on my back. How could I be awake when the sun was out.

My thoughts were interrupted when a large hand ran through my hair. "You can be out in the sun now."

"How is that possible?" I questioned.

"You're bound to me, and my powers are now in your hands."

"Oh," I spoke then curled up closer to his warmth. That was a good ability to have.

My eyes fluttered closed again, and I let the darkness take me.


When the sun went down, I woke up again. I sat up and stretched my arms above my head, yawning loudly. Small pink tears gathered at the corners of my eyes, that I refused to let fall. Then I flopped back down on the pillow face first, I was too comfortable to move.

"We will have to get up soon, I have an appointment later on tonight." I poked my head out from under the blankets and glared up at Zaikai.

He was propped up against the headboard with a book in his hands. His chest was deliciously bare and glowed in the moonlight. My eyes traveled lower and noticed a particular part of his body that seemed very naked.

I shrieked and jumped out of the bed, landing face first on the hard wood floors. I scrambled up when he tried to move to help me.

"Where is your clothing!" I pointed an accusing finger at him.

"I don't sleep with my clothes on." He smirked.

"Well you better start soon, because I'm not sleeping with that monster brushing up against me!" I yelled.

He laid back on the headboard with his arms behind his head, a smile graced his perfect lips. "Better get used to it because this monster is not leaving anytime soon."

"Then I'm not sleeping with you." I folded my arms.

"Try to rest somewhere else, I'll just punish you for even having that thought."

Before I could shoot back at him he got up out of the bed. He stood tall and puffed his powerful chest out. With a predatory look in his eyes, he stalked over to me in long strides.

A blush stained my cheeks as I forced my eyes to lock on his."Time to get dressed little one," he brushed a thumb over my lips.

He then led me to the large walk in closet with a hand pushing on the small of my back. Colorful boxes littered the floor, filling up the entire walking space.

"You're new clothing came in sometime in the day yesterday, the servants will put the rest away but for now.." He trailed off at the end while digging in the boxes.

"Don't you have any shame, please for crying out loud put some damn clothes on!"

He turned and gave me a sexy snarl, "I like it when you're angry."

"Ugh whatever," a mumbled and started looking through the boxes as well.

In the end I was dressed in black denim jeans, and a green button up shirt with the cuffs pulled up. Zaikai dressed in all black, making his already dark aura darker.

I sat on the edge of the bed waiting for him to get out of the closet, while kicking my legs back and forth. The door opened and my head flew up as he walked in, his hands holding something small.

"What are you holding?" I asked.

"Something for that crazy hair of yours." He put a hand on my chest and pushed me down until I was laying on my back looking up at him.

He held to small black hair clips, and a delicate hairbrush. He ran the brush through my hair until the tangles were loosened. Then he carefully pushed my hair back on both sides and clipped them in place. I was looking up at his face the whole time.

"Beautiful," he murmured, then bent down and kissed my parted lips. He was so gentle, as he thrusted his tongue in my mouth. His large hand wrapping around my throat were my tattoo laid.

He small moan escaped my mouth, that he gladly swallowed up. I felt our bond getting stronger when he rubbed his thumb up and down the side of my neck.

He pulled away slowly, a small trail of saliva still connecting our panting lips. He looked down at me with those deep black eyes with love flowing through them.

"You will be completely mine soon," he promised as he let me up.

I didn't answer him as I let him guide me down the long winding stair case. The power of that one single kiss left me speechless. And yet I thought as I touched my puffy lips I have never felt so loved before in my life. Even with my sire I have never felt this strong of a bond before.

We walked out the front doors and a car greeted us. I slid in first then Zaikai ducked in when I scooted over.

"Take us to the Vampires Kiss"

I gasped when he said the name, and looked up at his face. He ignored me and looked straight ahead with his mouth set in a hard line. That was the name of the club Aegeus owned, excitement bubbled up in my chest at the thought of seeing my sire again.

Zaikai wrapped an arm around my waist pulling me towards him, "we are not going there to see your sire," he spat out. "If you see him there or any one you know you do not utter a single word to them."

"What! Why n--"

"Do I make myself CLEAR!" He roared.

"Crystal" I growled and jerked myself out of his hold. Looking out the window I fought my hardest to not let the tears fall. I just wanted to see my family one more time before he locked me away.

I felt a strain in our bond, the sudden pain in that feeling catching me by surprise. I don't understand, he was so gentle and caring before but now he was harsh, and dominant. Just the feeling of his mood through the bond sent a shiver down my spine, I feel bad for the person who he's meeting there.

When the car stopped, I got out quickly, waiting for Zaikai to get out on the other side. He stepped out and it seemed his mood got even darker. His eyes struck me deep, "you're pushing it Icarus, come here now." His voice got deeper at the end as I scrambled to his side.

He put a possessive arm around my torso, squeezing the flesh on my sides. he walked directly behind me as we made our way up to the doors. Not loosening up his hold a bit.

Before we walked in the club Zaikai bent down and whispered one word in my ear, "behave."

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