Chapter Twelve

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Icarus POV

I stretched my arms in front of me and gave out a tired yawn. Wincing slightly in pain from the simple movement.

I felt a warmth at my back and couldn't help the smile that broke through my face. I turned around and wrapped my arms around Zaikai's neck. Moving my head up and giving him a small peck on the lips.

"Now I know why you didn't want me to feed from you," I jumped a little when he gave out a deep, roaring laugh.

"Oh you entertain me so little one," he smiled reaching his strong arms around my torso to pull me closer.

Then silence. We lay that for the rest of the day. My head nestled in the crook of his neck. His long fingers tracing the dimples at my back. It was peaceful, and we stayed in each other's embrace until night time over took the horizon and darkness clouded the room.

"I think we are in both need of a bath," Zaikai whispered breaking the silence.

"You did this to me so you're going to have to carry me."

"I wouldn't have it any other way little one."

He reached a gentle arm under my bent legs, and the other came to rest at my back. Lifting me up he took his time walking to the bathroom.

I finally got a good look at myself when he turned on the light. I was completely drenched in come, dried clumps of it matted my white hair. Little bruises were scattered throughout on my body the most prominent on my hips. My face was still flushed, and my lips were puffy and red. I looked like a hot mess.

Zaikai placed me down in the tub and turned on the water. I couldn't help but glance up at him to see if he looked as bad as me. Of course he didn't.

He stood proud and strong with his chest puffed out. Loving the attention I was giving him. I fueled his ego further when I shifted my eyes to his stirring dick. I glared hatefully at the thing that damaged me. Not even hiding the fact that I was staring. I moved my eyes up to his smirking ones, when he shifted his feet slightly.

"Wanna go another round baby?" He acted just like a king, with his bulging arms crossed over his chest.

"No," I shook my head, "I want to be able to walk, but thanks for asking," I sarcastically answered.

"Ohh you better watch that smart mouth of yours," he crawled in the tub with me,"that could get you in a lot of trouble in the future."

"Mmm maybe, but I got you to get me out of this future trouble," I growled out playfully.

"Oh baby when will you ever learn?" He pulled me close and looked deep in my eyes. "The only trouble you're going to be getting in is with me," he swooped down and gave me a deep kiss.

I pushed away from him when wondering hands started to fondle my nipples. "ahh ahh when we are in the bath tub the only things we will be doing is washing." I pointed an accusing finger at him,"that means you mister."

He gave me a mock bow, "as you wish princess."

I rolled my eyes and ignored him for the time being. Lathering a small wash clothe with soap, I started cleansing myself. Dumping some shampoo in my hair, I scrubbed extra hard to get the come stains out. Only after I put a small amount of conditioner on my hair and smoothed it in.

When I was done I heard a taunting voice behind me, "any day now princess, I'm getting aroused just watching you get clean from my come."

"I'm done," I threw the soap at his face, "you may want to take a cold shower to take care of your little problem," I smirked smugly.

He caught the soap with one hand and gave me a raised eyebrow."You wanna see how little it is shoved up your ass again?" I shook my head fast at his words. "Then you best be quiet you're making him mad."

I scoffed,"him?"

"Oh yeah baby him."

"I'm going to leave before I get jumped," I thought out loud. Grabbing a towel and wrapping it around my waist.

I stepped out on the cool tile and walked towards the closet. Slipping on grey sweatpants and a black Salty Dawg Saloon Alaska hoodie.

With a small green brush in my hand and my hair twisted up in a towel. I set out to go fetch Zaikai.

I found him slipping on black dress pants by the bed.

"You," I pointed a finger at him. "Have to brush my hair, because you got it this way."

He glanced up from buttoning his pants. "My pleasure princess," yeah he's not letting that go any time soon.

I sat down in between his legs and handed him the brush. He grabbed it and placed it by his side.

He unwound my hair and let it flow damply to my shoulders. With delicate strokes he brushed out my hair. starting from the bottom and ending at the top.

When my hair was all tangle free. He skillfully French braided my hair back from my eyes.

I tilted my neck back and laid my head on his lap, "Thank you."

He wrapped his arms around my shoulders. Then bent down and kissed me passionately.

"I love you Icarus."

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