*** Chapter five ***

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Raul to the side-->

Icarus POV

I sat in the large bathtub washing the sticky sweat off of my skin. I love taking baths it was indeed one of my favorite things to do. But I was now seriously considering not taking them anymore.

Zaikai sat on the toilet seat reading not too far away, with a smug smirk plastered on his face.

After I refused to have him in the bathroom while I took a bath. He threatened to wash me himself, that shut me right up. Now here we were, me glowering in the tub, and him smiling on the toilet.

I sighed and dunked my head in the water, washing the vanilla scented conditioner out of my hair. When I came up I flicked my head back, splattering water on the walls of the tub.

When I opened my eyes Zaikai was looking at me with lust clear in his gaze.

I scoffed, rolling my eyes and turned giving him my back.

"Roll your eyes again, and I'm coming in there with you,"

"You wouldn't," I challenged.

"Try it," he challenged back. I decided not to push him. I was still weak and it took great effort to walk. I even felt drained washing myself.

I let out a long sigh. Closing my eyes I leaned back on the tub. The only sound was that of the bubbles popping, but that was a calming sound and I had it lull me into a state of oblivion.

My peace was suddenly disturbed when strong hands grasped my shoulders. "You're never going to get clean if you sit here."

I jerked my shoulder out of his hold harshly, "I can do it by myself thank you very much."

He sat on his knees by the tub. His maroon button up shirt had a small stain of water on the front, and his sleeves were pulled up to his elbows. He looked ruggedly handsome with his long black hair, and stubble covering his sculpted jaw. I didn't know I was staring until I deep, erotic chuckle left his lips.

"Come here," he cocked his finger towards me.

I deep blush stained my cheeks, as I cautiously scooted towards him. "Don't try anything," I muttered as I sat in front of him.

He lathered a small wash cloth with more vanilla scented soap and started to wash my back in small circles. He moved on to my arms that he scrubbed clean, then my stomach, legs, and face. His actions were in no way sexual, but my body thought other wise and stirred to life under his touch.

He picked me up under my arm pits to lift me out of the tub. He took great care in wrapping me up in a fluffy black towel, and ruffling my hair in another. When we passed the mirror to his room I gasped softly.

I looked different. My hair was still white but now it glowed with beauty, it was also longer than before and softly brushed my shoulders. My pale green eyes were more vibrant and full of light. But the one thing that changed the most was the black collar like tattoo that curled around my throat, and inside in red was the name Zaikai Creed.

"Beautiful isn't it?" Zaikai murmured rubbing his thumb across the collar. "Now everyone will know who you belong too."

I circled my pale hand around his wrist, as he softly stroked the sensitive flesh on my throat. I looked up at him as he brought my hand up to his face and kissed the inside of my palm.

"Let's go get you dressed before you catch a chill." He smiled down at me.

I stood awkwardly in his large closet as he picked out something that would fit me. "You're clothes haven't come in yet so you are stuck with mine for now.

He pulled out red underwear and a long black shirt, "this is perfect for around the house."

I grabbed the clothes out of his hand and started walking to the bathroom to change. "Take as long as you need," he called out after me.

I shut the door to the bathroom and dropped the towel. I lathered my body up with lotion and slipped on the tight red underwear, I was thankful when I put on the shirt and it came down close to my knees. I opened the door and walked out. Zaikai sat on the edge of the bed with a book in hand.

"When can I go visit my sire?" I asked confidently.

Zaikai slowly lifted up his eyes from the book, his gaze held anger but his face held no emotion. "You won't be seeing him for a while."

"Why not?" I pressed

"We're not done with the bonding yet and I want you completely bound to me before I allow you to go see him, or anyone else for that matter."

I was so mad I didn't say anything. I just stood there clenching my hands and jaw. "I'm going to see him one way or another," I growled.

"With that attitude your not"

I turned on my heel and started to leave, anger clouding my vision. My hand grasped the handle when I was suddenly pushed into the door, with an equally furious vampire at my back.

"Remember this position Icarus," he growled in my ear while pressing his erection in my butt.

"Let me go!" I cried out and starting thrashing.

He moaned mockingly in my ear, "your squirming makes me horny."

He picked me up around the waist and threw me on the bed. Before I could move away I was pressed into the mattress.

"You smell so sweet," he groaned close to my ear.

"Don't touch me," I managed to say.

"It's time for me to have another taste," he leaned down to my neck and took a long slow lick up to my jaw. A moan left my throat as I slowly arched up to his body like a cat. He used his other hand to pin mine above my head, I was completely spread out for his taking.

I cried out again when he softly nipped my throat "please," I begged.

He laughed darkly, "what a good little vampire you are, but I'm not going to take your blood...yet."

He kissed my temple as he pulled away,"I'm taking your blood when we are locked in a passionate embrace, which is going to happen very soon."

I looked up at him in a daze of lust, "what?"

He got up off of me and started walking towards the door, "you heard me baby, better save up your energy because you're going to need it."

And with that he left, leaving me laying their with a sense of dread and excitement in the pit of my stomach.

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