tedros bears a weirdly good resemblance to the king of camelot

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Once the lizards had all been placed in a box of sand on Anemone's desk with some unfortunate beetles, Raiden and Marcus only had one thing left to do.

They left the chatter of the bewildered students (and the laughter of Jade, unable to stop herself), and headed upstairs to Honor 13 in anticipatory silence.

Chinhae was sitting cross-legged on his bed, staring out of the window across the grounds.

"Got away successfully?" Marcus asked after a few seconds of silence.

A single nod in response. Marcus allowed himself a relieved sigh.


"Don't glare." Raiden advised. "That face is intimidating enough as it is."

"I'm not glaring."

"No? Then make an effort to look perpetually benevolent. Your neutral face looks hostile."

One glare into the mirror, and Chinhae's gaze softened considerably.

"Better." Raiden said. "Well done. It's almost perfect."

"This is such a farce." Chae muttered, standing to pace.

"This was your idea." Raiden pointed out.

"Only because it will get suspicious otherwise."

Marcus nodded.

"Well, you needn't be about all the time for the next few days. You're anxious and potentially grieving after a public meltdown. A few meals, a few easy lessons--"

"And a few interactions with the others." Raiden added hastily. "They'll get worried, otherwise."

Marcus ticked people off on his fingers;

"I don't think we'll have much difficulty. Amelie is already keeping her distance, the Nevers have their... own problems with disappearances, the teachers have been dealt with. Jackson will make sure his roommates don't notice."

Raiden grimaced.

"So it comes down to--"

"Jade." Chinhae said immediately. "She'll know."

Marcus frowned.

"Is she that observant?"

"Yes." said Chinhae flatly. "She really is. She's the most naturally inclined to suspicion, the least likely to keep her mouth shut, and the most likely to break rules to suit her own ends." "We need to keep her away from you, then." Marcus said. Chinhae shook his head.

"I almost think it's too late for that."

Raiden sighed.

"I'm worried you're right. Growing up with Adrian and the Conspiracy Theorists? She notices everything."

Marcus grimaced. He picked up Chinhae's signet ring from the side of the sink and held it out to him.

"We'd better make sure there isn't anything for her to notice, then."


Unfortunately, they were completely right.

"How's Chinhae?" Was the very first thing Amelie, Jade and Jackson all demanded as they appeared at breakfast. Marcus avoided looking at Raiden or Jackson, wondering how to negotiate this--

"Okay." said Chinhae, sitting down beside them. "I'm alright."

Perhaps Jackson's sigh of relief was a bit exaggerated, but it passed muster well enough.

Be Gay, Do Crimes: Ros Vs Everything, ApparentlyWhere stories live. Discover now