dorian gray had the right idea

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"You can't wear a sweater with a tiara!" Seohun is pleading when they enter. "Especially not when the sweater's brown!"

Agatha blinks at him, picking bobbles from the sleeves of said sweater.

"I was cold."

"Fashion doesn't feel the elements, your highness!"

"Well, I do."

Seohun grinds his teeth.

"Please let me reform your wardrobe."

"Absolutely not." says Agatha cheerfully. Seohun looks as if he'd tear his hair out, only he's wearing a wig, so he refrains. Today, it's long and platinum blonde, shot through with sparkly strands of silver thread, so that he gets the correct amount of shimmer when he tosses his head. Which he does a lot.

"At least just for dinner? Tonight?" He pleads.

"It's not even a formal dinner, Seohun."

"You're hosting the Empress!"

"Who, as I'm sure you know, much prefers informal dinners." Agatha notices them approaching. "Oh, you're back. Good ride?"

"Lovely," says Ros, "Gerald rode into a tree."

Agatha shoots her a searching look.

"Did he get distracted?"

Before Ros can reply, Seohun has descended on her.

"Oh, thank god, the only fashion-forward member of this family has come to save me. Tell your mother to take that off, won't you?"

Rosalind tries to work out if she'd rather wind up Seohun, or agree with him. She's too slow, so he whirls to Chinhae.

"Chae, tell her."

"I don't think I can give orders to Queen Agatha, Seohun." sighs Chinhae.

Seohun looks hopelessly back at Agatha.

"I can take the tiara off?" offers Agatha.

Seohun groans and goes marching off in a whirl of silver silks.

"SORRY I'M NOT AS STYLISH AS EUNHA!" Agatha shouts after him. Chinhae sighs.

"Sorry. He gets critical when he's got nothing to do."

Marcus frowns.

"I thought he was making a hat for Ros?"

"He's made several hats by now." says Ros. "I need to ask him to make some suits to match them."

Agatha is squinting down at the offending sweater.

"It is pretty bad." admits Ros.

"It was my mother's originally, of course it is." says Agatha dismissively. "Warm, though."

Marcus frowns.

"I thought you don't really go back to Gavaldon. How come you've got that?"

"I was wearing it when she died." Mutters Agatha.

Ros, Chinhae and Marcus exchange wary glances. They're in territory they don't usually brave.

"Er, and it still fits?" Says Ros.

"It's stretched." Agatha glances at the clock. "We should probably go and get ready. You all smell of horse, and I need to find something that won't hurt Seohun, physically. And on the way up, you can tell me what happened to Gerald."

Ros opens her mouth--

"What actually happened to Gerald." Says Agatha pointedly.

Ros grins.

Be Gay, Do Crimes: Ros Vs Everything, ApparentlyWhere stories live. Discover now