[•The beginning•]

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Rose Pov

*Beep* *Beep* I slammed the alarm clock with a groan today was the day I was supposed to go to the camp with my friends I really didn't wanna go but I don't have anything better to do and honestly I don't wanna be here with my moronic older brother who is 18 years old but acts like a child. Even though I love him with my heart I don't tent to show it but anyway hi! my name is Rose Umbra I am 15 my friends gave me a nickname the seductive Rose it's from a mythology it's name of a sword that killed Bryan son of Aphrodite in the mythology it also said that Inpu Bryan husband collected Bryans peices of soul crystal and out of those peices he made 3 beings in order that the soul crystal would still hold still so he could bring his husband Bryan to life and to not kill those 3 beying in process cuz they are now his children one is called Atlas he has wings red eyes he has white and purple hair and is kinda a emo I guess he likes the word 'Lame' abd then there is Lotus they dont have a gender they have wings and ears and tail they have purple and pink hair colour they also have glasses and are a bit mischievous Femi she has tail and ears her hair is white with red she likes to read a lot.

'I better change' As I got up from my bed I went into my closet and pulled out a purple skirt, black hoodie with a fire image in it some chains as a necklace and black boots.

'I better change' As I got up from my bed I went into my closet and pulled out a purple skirt, black hoodie with a fire image in it some chains as a necklace and black boots

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Now I know this isn't what I should wear to camp but I can because I once wore these to a forest that was really messy and I didn't get even a little bit of dirt on me so I should be fine. I walked out of my room and saw a note on the counter

Dear Rose,
I had to go to Kat#1 early but I hope thæt you will enjoy the camP!!!!!!! And will have fun!!!!
meet your friends that are gonna be coming with you to the camp at the fountain at 7:40 am also don't forget to eat the breakfest that I made you!!!!! >3

~with love your brother

My older brother hand writing was a little bit messed up and he had a 2 grammar wrongs so I assume that he must have wrote it in a rush. I took the toasts from the plate and shoved them in my mouth as I looked at the clock it was 7:10! and to get to the fountain it takes at least 20-25 minutes! I quickly grabbed my back pack and started running to the place where I was supposed to meet my friends. I runned through the streets I bumped into a few people but I didn't apologise because there is no time for that! Also you might be asking why my brother called his friend Kat#1 well he has a friend named kat she has orange hair and green eyes while my friend who is also named kat has brown hair and brown eyes but is like 5 years older then us wich mean she is 18 years old.

When I arrived I saw my friends so I went up to them "Sup peeps!" I said out of breath "Your a bit late but it's okay." Kayla stated "Your here finally!" Jinn said "Hi! how are ya?" Bryan said "I am good thanks Bryan and I am not that late like 1 minute that is not that much!" I said rolling my eyes in process "Well let's go." Kat said and we all started walking to the bus that was gonna take us to the camp. "I can't wait!" Bryan chippered "Yeah maybe we'll get ourselfs a boyfriend/ girlfriend in there except for you Ivy and Bryan you two already found each other." Jinn said his gay self showing up "Ugh ewww love that's disgusting I will be the famous in there though." I said my head high "Sure whatever you say just don't hurt anybody." Ivy stated as we were now in front of the bus we stepped in and that's where our journey started.

-When the bus arrived at the camp-

The bus stopped and we were here we stepped out of the bus."Finally it took like hours!" Bryan groaned "I agree." I said with a yawn cuz I was pretty tired still "Why are you guys so impatient?!" Kayla said slaping herself in the face "I mean the ride was kind of long but eh." Ivy said putting her book away. So we went in to the camp council to check in or some shit "Hello sir." Kayla started "Hi your the new campers right?" He asked "Yeah." Kayla said with a slight smile. The camp council was 20 or 21 years old he had black curly hair and green eyes. After we were done there we went to our cabins well cabin we shared a same cabin it had bunk beds but also a normal bed "The normal one is mine!" And with that I ran onto the bed and jumped on it. Bryan just giggled Ivy gave me a really look Jinn smiled and Kayla yelled "Don't jump on the bed!" I ofcurse just ignored that~ And later on we went to unpack our stuff like cloths phones etc.

When we were done unpacking I spoke up "Hey guys wanna go look around ththe camp and look for any secrets?" I suggested at that Bryan lit up and said "Yes!!" Jinn also agreeded Ivy said "Sure at least we will know what we should be careful of." Kayla said "Sure." So we all went out we found some spikes probably someone forgot it there we also found throwing stars like ninjas have so then we decided that it would be easier to split up so we got paired up kayla with Ivy, Bryan and Jinn and I was alone wich meant I can do some mischief. As I was searching I saw a trapdoor that was placed in the grass blending in I opened it up and went down where I found a creepy room and the room had 28 buttons I wanted to press one of them so I pressed a blue-golden button and in that moment I blacked out.



New book! I hope that you will like this it is thefamousfilms themed book! love ya'll💜💜💜💜 Till the next time bye bye!
words used:1125

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