Chapter One - It Begins...

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Harvey's POV:
I don't know how long it's been. We've been stuck here for too long. I don't even remember the last time we saw the girls. It has been weeks, minimum. The days all blur together when they're the same. Maxwell and I spend all day every day cold and hungry. The only food we get are the minimal scraps that is thrown away by a restaurant nearby. The pain of the hunger is bad enough, but we also spend each of our days nearly blinded by the pain of the scars we have over our eyes.

Maxwell and I are identical twins. We are more than identical in appearance though, we have the exact same personality and behavior. We even have identical scars over our eyes. The scars starts around half way up our forehead and ends midway down our cheeks, going directly over our eyes. We do our best to keep them clean and protected. When we first received them, we were both temporarily blinded in one eye. Us being identical has caused some crazy events, usually they are funny though. Even the girls we have know for years couldn't tell the difference between us. I hope they are okay, the girls. Neither of us have seen or heard from them in ages.

"3...2...1... GO!" I shout the signal so me and Maxwell both start sprinting towards the restaurant. We grab what we can until we hear a shout from behind us.
"OI!!! YOU TWO! GET AWAY FROM THERE!" One of the employees caught us. It is always bad news when it happens.

We start running but are caught quickly. He drags us in an alley (A/N: An alley? I wonder why... Totally has never been used before...) and pushes us against a wall. He punches and kicks us. I can feel the cut on my eye open back up and start bleeding. When he finally walks away, both Maxwell and I feel close to fainting. Every movement I make is painful.

I grab Maxwell's hand and drag him to the street. We crawl as far as we can until we collapse against a wall. Everything starts going blurry. Then, suddenly, I feel a hand rest on my shoulder and I begin to scream.

A/N: Hello there! New book! We now have more kids in the Adopted By Six Child Cult.
Thanks to nothing_in_between_ for designing and creating the cover! I love it! She currently has a cover design shop if you need a cover for a book so I recommend you check it out!

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