"Louis" Harry whispers in the tired older mans ear, Louis groans pulling Harry down by his waist "Louis-." Harry tried to protest "Shhhh babe" louis says pulling Harry's head down to his chest Harry melts in to the cuddle "bbut we have to get up" Harry said Louis sighed "it's a special day" Louis frowned in confusion "remember lou we're free from management we're gonna come out today like you said" louis sprang up making Harry fall off the bed "Harry hurry up, get up" he says picking up Harry and lobbing him over his shoulder and skipping downstairs "ahhh lou" Harry giggles "be careful don't drop me" he giggles "I'm not gonna drop you princess" Louis laughs "please make breakfast" louis asks placing Harry down "I always make it lou" Harry laughs "what you making this morning?" Louis asks "something yummy for a special day"
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============== "I will go live" Louis said
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"I'm going to get changed lou" Harry said "but before I go can I get kisses I haven't had one yet" he pouted Louis laughed kissing Harry's lips (this is what Harry wore)
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================= "Hii" Louis said to the camera "hopefully we can get this right this time and make sure I'm not covering the mic" Louis laughs and Harry stifled his giggles suddenly the door bell went "oh yeah we ordered pizza, that took forever to get here" Harry smiled and walked to the door and whispered a thank you to the pizza man, louis then started reading the comments 'is someone there with you, you used the term 'we"
'Who's there?'
'Omg imagine if it's harry'
'Omg get over it larry is not real😳🙄'
Louis laughed "hey baby come look at this comment" harry walked over while Louis covered the camera and Harry being Harry let out a bark of laughter
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^^will forever be my favourite
Louis immediately covered his mouth "god they are like detectives they are gonna pick that up baby, so we might as well tell them now" he smiled taking his hands off Harrys mouth
'Tell us what!?!'
'Omg what if lou and H come out!'
'I'm your dreams they will not come out cuz it's not real😂'
Louis was getting fed up of that anti and sighed "comment if your an anti" about a quarter of the comments said yes "well I have a surprise for you" he smirked
'You proposed to Eleanor🤩'
'Oh please he did not propose he don't even love her have u seen the way he acts with her😂'
"No I didn't propose to her, we are not dating it was all fakemanagement forced me"
'Omg the surprise is Larry coming out isn't it!!🤩😭'
Louis smiled and patted his lap "come and sit baby boy" Harry giggled and plopped himself on Louis' lap with a wince "I really need to get some paracetamol for my ass" he whispered Louis wheezed "this is my husband Harry Tomlinson" suddenly all the comments came in and the live crashed, Harry giggled "I'm glad we came out" he smiled wrapping his arms round louis' neck and placing a loving kiss on his lips "same baby same" Louis said against his lips "how about we celebrate" Louis smirked getting Harry off his lap and standing up then helping Harry "but Louissss my ass still hurts" Harry whined "don't worry sweetie I'll go soft........