Why cant i gain you're attention 💀🥺

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Harry's pov: I slumped down next to Louis on the couch but he wasn't paying any attention to me he was just laughing at something Niall said was "so funny" he hadn't been giving me any attention for the past five hours at the studio I cuddled up to him and he didn't even acknowledge me so I sat up again, meanwhile Zayn and Liam were playing ping-pong and Liam had just lost for a second time "hey Louis come have a game unless you're too scared" Louis looked up from Niall's phone laughing at something different Niall said that was "so funny" "you on old man prepared to lose" he laughed "Who you calling old" they had just finished the first round and Louis had won they started playing their second round " hey hazza you're right man" Liam asked " oh yeah......Ummm fine" (bearing in mind I don't feel well) "I can tell when you're being honest with me you're not being honest hazza what's wrong" he said with concern and his voice " it's just ever since Louis and I got to the studio he's paid zero attention to me and I feel so ill" I try blinking away the tears "try get up to him and talk to him"
requests Liam, Louis and Zayn were now on the third round Louis had also on the second round "ok" I reply quickly I walk over top his shoulder "boo" at this point I feel like I'm going to throw up "lou bear" I say a bit loud tapping his shoulder again "ughhh what do you want Harry" he says turning his head to me for a split second then losing the game " oh well done you made me lose the game" he spits "s-sorry" I reply " I just w-want some love and a-attention" "well I'm busy" he scoffed I walk out the room too sick and tired to even argue and Louis goes back to playing his game.

Liam's pov:
"Louis I think you should go talk to Hazza" "why" he replied more focused on the game "oi Louis just listen" I raise my voice a little bit " okay.....okay you have my full attention" he replies with a sigh " wait where is Harry?" " that's what I'm talking to you about" " okay.....why?" He replied "he's really sad And not well and you haven't given him attention for five hours straight the only attention you've given him it's when you snapped at him trying to get attention" "w-where is he" he replied " I don't know Louis he walked out the room after you had a go at him" " you need to go find your man, go niall can play with me" said zayn "okay thanks guys" he said grabbing some paracetamol and walking out of the room

Louis's pov
I walked out into the hallway tripping over something then hear small teary giggles erupt through the hallway I look down to see Harry curled against the wall "heyyy" I say sitting next to him "hi" he says looking at his lap I sigh "I'm sorry for not paying any attention to you" I say putting my arms round his shoulder pulling him down so his head in on my shoulder "I brought you some paracetamol because the boys said you felt sick" I say giving it to him he takes it and looks at it for a bit "I'm pretty sure paracetamol won't help my stomach" he says standing up quickly holding his stomach "I'm gonna throw up lou" he says I stand up running into the room "what's up Louis?" Liam asks "bin! Is there a bin round here?!" I ask Liam picks one up and chucks it at me I run back outside and set it Underneath his chin he throws up into it I rub his back comfortingly "let it all out" I say "c,mon let's go back in the room so you can lay down yeah?"

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