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Harry's pov

I was sleeping peacefully curled up against Louis when I heard the little patter of feet of Darcy, i smiled still pretending to be asleep she then went round to Louis' side "addy" she whispered shaking him rather aggressively (what can I say she's part louis) he didn't move a muscle she groaned, I feel a heaviness at the end of the bed and it moves along to my side i then feel hands on my shoulders "ummy" she whispers shaking me softly I try to hold a smile in but she catches me "ummy" she giggles "I 'aw you smile" (I hope you get baby language) she says giggling shaking me again I open my eyes "you got me baby" I smile wrapping my arms round her waist and pulling her down to me she giggles lightly, I then feel someone spoon me from behind "morning my tow favourite princess" Louis says "orning addy" Darcy says cheerfully "I curse you Harry, for giving her the gene of a fucking early bird" he laughs kissing my shoulder blade I giggle softly "morning Lou" I smile Darcy then gasps "addy you can't say dat word dats a bad word" she scolds "oooo you just got told" I say facing him he gives me a look "I'm sorry baby I meant fudging" he smiles kissing her forehead she then gasps again "UDGE!" She shouts "I weally want udge can we have it for bwekfast" she asks pouting along with doggy eyes "yes of course you can love" louis smiles "no-" I say glaring at Louis "you can not have fudge for breakfast" I say sternly "but ummyyyy" she groans "no- but you can have pancakes" I smile "ANCAKES!" She shouts running out the room louis laughs I giggle slightly but it soon gets got cut off by Louis' lips I softly kiss back "I love you doll face" he smiles "I love you to lou bear" I giggle "god you haven't used that name since you were 16" he chuckles I giggle lightly till we heard the familiar footsteps "ummy addy c,mon we have no time to Chit chat I want pancakes" she says sassily "and I curse you for the sassiness Lou" I smiles getting out of bed.

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