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"Hey babe?!" Louis shouts "yeahhh" I shout scrambling across our room trying to hide his jumper since I just know he's looking for it

Louis' pov
"Have you seen my favourite jumper?" I ask walking into our room Harry jumped up from the ground looking suspicious "nope haven't seen it" he smiled sitting on the bed "mhm ok" I ask walking downstairs to leave for the shops when heard a loud bang "Harry?!" I shout running upstairs "I-I'm fine" he shouted I got to our room and he's spread out on the floor like a starfish I chuckle picking him up he giggled wrapping his legs round my waist i walk to the bed pulling him to my chest "what about the shopping?" He asks "I can do that tomorrow" I smile I finally take a proper look at him he's wearing MY FAVOURITE JUMPER "you little rascal, you said you didn't know were my jumper was" I laugh tickling his sides he giggles "it's your fault it smells like you" he giggles kissing my lips with his soft plump ones "I love you" I whisper "I love you to boo bear"

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