[1] Friends

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Hey guys, welcome to the first official chapter of Breaking Down! I hope you enjoy, and as always, constructive criticism is always appreciated. If you have anything you would like to know/tell me about, please comment on any of my books, of private message me, and I'll try to get back to you asap. Thanks for reading my authors notes, I know it gets boring, and thanks for reading! One of the reasons I love Wattpad is that I can be me without anyone hate commenting. (Well, a lot less people than on Quotev). Thanks for being so patient and understanding with me, I love each and every one of my readers, and always respond to any comments or questions I do receive, but I would love it if you weren't silent readers! Tell me what you think! The more comments, hearts, and adds I get, the more I'll update, because then I'll know that you guys really do like my book! Enjoy!***

"KATE!" I heard a yell as a bucket of water was dumped on my head.
"Jake! Get back here!" I screamed as I ran out of my room. Yep, our household was just dandy, what with my dad always traveling or working late, Jake pulling pranks, and Jasmine with her new boyfriend every week, it's a mess. And don't even get me started on Julia. She looks so sweet and innocent, but helps Jake in his pranks, they're more like twins than Jake and I, I know... Crazy...
"Jake William Meadows! Get out of my room!" My older sister Jasmine shrieks, just on time, I thought to myself, as this happened every morning, Jake pulls a prank, he runs and hides in Jasmine's room, she screams, he hides in his room again, and is late getting ready. Every. Single. Morning.
"J, if you're late again, I'm not waiting to drive you." I warned as he ran by me to his room, quickly turning direction and entering one of our four bathrooms to shower instead.
I headed to the end of the hall to my bathroom, which I sometimes shared with either Lila (Alia) or Jue (Julia), whichever had been last to their bathroom. This time, Lila was already in there.
"Hey, Lila Bear." I greeted.
"Hey, Kay." She responded through a mouthful of toothpaste.
I walked past her and got into the shower, striping after I was safely behind the curtain and turning the warm water on. I quickly used my citrus body wash and fruity shampoo and conditioner, then rinsed and grabbed my robe from the hook before walking back to my room. I picked out some black skinny jeans, a long-sleeved white top with 'Smile' written on it with a smiley face for the 'I's dot.
I slipped on my black snow boots with fur on the inside, and quickly put on my mascara, concealer, and lip gloss on before rushing downstairs to the kitchen, where my mother, Alia, Julia, and Jasmine were seated at the counter, eating pancakes and bacon.
"Kate, sweetheart! Morning, I made breakfast." She greeted, "Jake, hurry up!" Soon Jake was running down the stairs.
I grabbed my own breakfast consisting of two pancakes and three strips of bacon, and turned to the table, "Who needs a ride?" I asked.
Jasmine go up and left, leaving through the front door and heading to her car, a red Porsche convertible, and driving towards her friend, Ashlaye's house.
"I do!" Jake yelled
"Can you drive your sisters, too?" My mother asked, cleaning up her own dishes.
"Sure." I replied helping her, then pulling on my thick jacket with gloves and a hat, then helping Julia into hers.
"Bye, mom." We chorused as we left our house and piled into my silver Ford truck. Lila and Jue buckled up in the back, while Jake sat shotgun.
On the drive to school, Jue spoke up, "Can we listen to music?"
"Sure, Jue." I replied, turning on the little kids station.
We pulled into the parking lot of the elementary and dropped off Alia and Julia, then went to our highschool, Caribou High. I shivered in the Maine weather as I walked up to the school.
"Kate!" I heard from behind, where Alexus was running towards me with Jessa, Angie, and Beth trailing behind. I sidestepped as she tried to lunge-hug me. Alexis' boyfriend Matthew picked her up and off of me, and hugged her, kissing her cheek.
"Hey guys!" I caught up on what happened that weekend with them, until the warning bell rang, and we hurried to our classes. Jessa and Beth headed to first period Art, while Alexus ran off to Math Honors, Angie calmly walked to English, and I walked through the door of History. I loved my History teacher, Mr. Brooks. He's really funny, and helps us to find the information instead of just telling us. There was a new girl sitting at the back table and I decided to join her.
"Hi, I'm Kate. You must be new here." I introduced myself, hoping she wasn't snobby or rude like Jasmine and her best friends, Ashlaye and Kristiana.
"I'm Amara." She said with a slight accent, "I'm from South Africa." She smiled
"I've lived here my whole life. Hey, want to sit with my friends and I at lunch?" I asked
"Ok. That'd be fun." She replied with another small smile
She smiled every time she looked at me for the rest of class.
"Why do you keep smiling?" I asked her
"Because, your shirt says to." She replied with a laugh, and I joined in as the bell rang.
"Your homework is to find a partner for your Enviroment Project. Remember, you have to access an issue with the Enviroment here in Caribou, Maine." Mr. Brooks explained
"What's your next class?" I asked Amara.
"Science, then Math, Lunch, French, English, then Theatre." She read off her schedule.
"Okay, so we have Science, Math, and Lunch together." I replied
"Good. Where's the Math room?"
"Oh, I'll walk you, if you don't mind making a stop by my locker first."
"Oh, sure."

***Sorry for the short chapter, guys! It's getting a little late and I needed to get something up. I'll try to update again soon, but I'm busy, hopefully I'll update very soon.

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