[2] Strangers Part 1

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I'm sorry guys, I had this almost done, then my app crashed and it wasn't saved yet. 😣. And the whole lunchroom thing was written and had taken forever! Argh! 😁. So, I'm sorry if it's not very high-quality cuz I'm not sure if I can remember exactly what I'd written before... I also skipped to Lunch, I'll probably do that for every school day; morning, lunch, leaving; unless I want to add something from a class. Try to enjoy!***

"Hey guys." I said as Amara and I sat at the table in the back by the window.

"Hey, Kate. Who's that?" Beth asked, sounding grumpy.

"That's Amara. Math quiz?" I asked, as she was in math last class.

"Yes. I probably failed." Beth complained.

"Well, then it's hard." I commented, "Not really!"

We all laughed.

"It was pretty hard, though. She showed me some problems." Alexus managed to get out after we had stopped laughing.

"Wow. This must be something. The great math-whiz Alexus thinks it's hard!" Angie exclaimed, and we all burst into laughter again.

"I need to get lunch. Anyone coming?" Alexus asked after a few more minutes.

"Nah." Beth said, eying a small cake her mom had added into that day's lunch.

"Not today." Angie said, biting into her PB&J double sandwich. (Two layers, if you were wondering.)

"I'll go." Jessa offered, "I'm in the mood for chips."

"Good luck." I commented around a mouthful of cheese sandwich, "They probably only have veggie-chips."

"You're probably right." Jessa said as she left with Alexus.

"Did you guys hear what Mrs. Counche (cow-oon-ch) was arguing with her husband about today?" Angie asked suddenly.

"No, what?" Beth asked around a bite of her PB Banana sandwich.

"He was apparently flirting with her sister!" Angie said after taking another bite of sandwich.

"Mrs. Flanè?!" (Fla-neigh) I asked, astonished, "But she's married!"

"Who are we talking about?" Amara asked with a sheepish smile.

"Oh, Mrs. Hounche is the librarian whomever shuts up and screams a lot, and Mrs. Flanè is our French teacher." Angie explained as Jessa and Alexus returned and the lunch lady called First Call.

"Seriously?!" Alexus exclaimed after being filled in, "They're both married! And she should know he would never!"

She gained a few glances from nearby tables due to her escalating volume.

"Shut. Your. Pie. Hole." Jessa said covering Alexus' mouth with her hand.
Alexus tried to talk but it just came out as gibberish. She finally pried Jessa's hand away.

"I can breathe." She sighed loudly, "As I was saying...... Wait..... What was I saying?"

"That you would stop talking and save our ears." Beth explained, causing us to laugh again.

"Second call, trays and trash, second call." The lunch-lady called again.

"Come on." Alexus stated as she, Beth, Angie, and I got up and threw away our trash.

"Oh, well, look what the cat's dragged in!" We heard from behind. You know there's always that one snobby, popular girl in every school? And then she has her entourage? Well, yeah. Jasmine is that girl. Her entourage:

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